• The Origin of Annalece •

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If you're only wanting to view whether or not this story is going on, skip down to the bottom. This chapter was created to prove how I created my oc, and what inspired me to do just that.

Plus there are a BUTT LOAD of spoilers so


My side of the story

If you guys haven't exactly noticed, I've purposefully been inactive lately. I've had alot of time to think about the situation with my story, and I wanted to explain the importance of My OC,
(The one I created for this story) and that the only problem with the situation was The art.

Someone that helped me work with this Story (character description/art ect) sent me photos and Explained that so long as I Credited the owners. I Credited the owners in the prologue although the owners still grew upset so I had to take it down.

Again the only issue was the Art. The storyline, plot, and origin of my character All belong to me as well as the original creators of pokemon sun&moon.

Idk if there's any other fanfiction on wattpad that's written there character By the plott of the original TV series- most of the fanfiction I've come across usually go by The game series rather than the one on netflix- but that's why I put so much effort into The details In my story.

Who is Annalece?

The ones who pay attention to my feed already know this, but for those of you that don't- ever since I heard the term 'werewolf' I've always wanted to Make some sort of decent werewolf fanfiction.

When I was younger I tried using a character named Annalece- a beta werewolf With dark red fur she was latina, and her pack never exactly traveled She battled her father for dominance- in a twilight fanfiction.

Her name was really hard to come up with. I wanted to use the name allice, but I also wanted to use the name Anna so I figured out a way to combine the names into one Beautiful Amazing one.
(Yes I believe my oc's name is Beautiful)

I had previously written Details About her character in my journal. once I locate the file to the story I'll try posting it, lately I've been too moody to post anything honestly, but this I'll definetely post- probably here ik I posted it somewhere already but not on here or archive of our own.

I made her Latina because in real life that's what I am. That's my race. I wanted Annalece to be as similar to as me as possible. My little sister advised, The perfect oc needs to be At least as accurate as you can make it, but not so Accurate that it hurts. Meaning I could make a fantasy Based oc, as long as it Was similar to the way a normal person would act or talk. So of course Annalece was never an overpowered original character. During pack fights she would lose alot of the time- she had to Train herself. Because her mother had Been killed by vampires, and her father was the alpha. A major asshole.

I guess I overstepped that line when I made Annalece, especially considering her newly found move "adapt" but I'll get to that.

Eventually I wrote character descriptions of wolf girls Alot more, I've made more Werewolf oc's if you wanna look at my profile I've got alot of stories about them if you wanna go check them out.

Eventually I stopped writing for a little bit. I started getting really into pokemon. I used to watch it when I was six, I used to have pokemon cards and stuff (yeah I'm a nerd. Get over it) I liked playing pokemon with my Friends, yes I knew how to play the card game- but I never really got into the series as much when I was younger As I Did when I was like thirteen.

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