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Today the classes lesson was entirely based off of Shiny pokemon...why? Because for some reason word got out to professor kukui, that I had caught a
shiny litten.

I was forced to interact with her in front of the class which sort of adgitated me. What's wrong Annalece? She asks jumping onto my desk with a worried look in her eyes. "Oh nothing litten...I'm just thinking." What about? I sigh... "it's just. I really don't like pokemon...I like you. I really like you litten don't get me wrong. It's just. I Have a very specific reason as to why...I'll just explain it to you later." I whisper to her.

"Uhh Annalece? Who are you talking to?" Someone asks me. I forgot I had dragged my desk to the back of the class to avoid socialising. I couldn't just say my pokemon so I smiled nervously and said. "Oh uhh I was t-talking to myself...hehehe." kukui didn't look entirely convinced but he shrugged it off thankfully.

Why don't you tell them the truth?
Litten asks me, pawing at my shirt. "Because if I'd tell them they'd probably think I was a monster." I reply. I mentally face-palm after noticing kukui giving me a strange look.

I gulped, feeling my muscles tense up as I stare down at my wrists. I thought for a moment. 'Maybe it'd be smarter if I talked mentally' Litten smiled up at me. Yeah No kidding. She muses.

I was hesitant before saying. You know...I've battled so many pokemon...what If there were a way to keep track of how many battles I've won without having to earn a badge.... I stare down at my wrists intently.

How are you going to do that? She asks nervously....that I don't really know. I reply. I may have an idea, but we'll come back to that later. We sigh.

After class ends I clutch my bag as I walk out of the school. Litten is poking her head out of my backpack playing with my ponytail as it bounces with every step. "I'm really suprised to see you actually interacting with pokemon for a change. It's actually heartwarming." The obnoxious voice rings directly behind me.

What's wrong? Litten asks noticing that I had tensed up.
I was about to respond when he stopped me. "I know. You hate pokemon." He says, as his expression changes to a more dissapointed one. "W-why do you have so much faith in me??" I ask meeting his black orbs.

"Because from day one sense you've started going to this school I've actually noticed some sort of change in you." He responded.
I started easing up too, getting small...flashbacks. hey? What's wrong?? Litten presses again.

I turned my head and robotically say, "litten I'm fine I'm just..." I felt the rage start brewing in my chest. I don't know why...but it was like for some reason there was this pent up rage I've been holding back ever since we moved here...I just..I couldn't take this anymore. I grunted, feeling slightly lightheaded. I tripped over my own feet.

"Woah, annalece are you okay??" Kukui asks, trying to catch me. "D-Don't touch me." I murmur, feeling tears begin to fall from my eyes. "Its not you I-I just I need to go..." I say before bolting down the sidewalk...what happened??? Why are we running??

Litten...no one has ever acted like this towards me...
Oh..so..why aren't you Happy?
Why?? Because that's exactly how my father acted before he changed me into this monster!

The Shapeshifter: pokemon sun&moon (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now