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~ Annalece ~

Once we finally made it back to the cabin, promise scampered up the latter to the bunk bed and Went straight to sleep, while allice sort of lingered about the room.

It was alot more open sense everyone else had already left. So I had just enough time to meet the new pokemon and feed them.

I take a deep breathe, before releasing both pokemon from their pokeballs.

I immidiately regret it. A piercing pain surges from my shoulder blade to my chest, once I realise what had happened I noticed the opposing rockruff must have used rockthrow.

It leaps in front of the vulpix, growling in anger. "What the hell! I just saved you two..just nevermind-" before I could finish the rockruff nuzzles the vulpix and they both bolt for the door.

It was then I decided to shift.
Just as soon as I did I used psychic on both the door, and the two pokemon in which allice would now see as a threat.

The rockruff grew wide eyed. But the vulpix, didn't exactly seem like it knew what was going on.
'Shadow what happened?!' The vulpix grows teary eyed. "I-I'm..I-I'm handeling it!" The rockruff growls in response.

Allice's cheeks began sparkling. Mere seconds later we all fell into a seizure like stance; enveloped in a bright, seemingly yellow light.

My glistening shiny mane practically exploded into one big Fro, meanwhile the rest of the room as well as my body seemed to be covered in soot. "Well. Atleast one questions been answered." I sigh, the move psychic still remaining in tact.

"Look I know you two don't exactly want to be here right now. The only reason you are is because you both seemed lifeless back in the kennels, you know the ones made by the pokemon hunters?" The rockruff quirks an eyebrow, and eases up.

"Never mind that. What in the name of arceus are you?!" I hover them over the bed before dropping them in the sheets. I brush of its crued question, shifting back. "as I was saying, I'm just going to feed you and release you if..that's what you want."

It tilts its head, but doesn't respond.

I sit down in the bunk bed across from the two, and started sifting through the piles of z crystals and pokeballs in my bag, until coming across the togo box of food from the pokemon center.

"You two must be starving. Eat up, there's plenty where that came from." Rockruff...or shadow? Glares daggers at the plate. "How do we know you haven't poisoned it??" I roll my eyes, "Why would I save you just to hurt you? That does even make any- just. Eat the damn food." With that it starts digging into the food, only to pull out small pieces. It drags them over to the vulpix who looked practically clueless.

"Is something wrong with your friend?" It doesn't move its gaze, it only continues feeding its friend.
"She's blind." He retorts bluntly.
I felt my heart sink. "You eat, I'll help your friend okay?"

It used leer, with an angered face it snarls "Don't Touch her!!"
"I think I've got something in here that might help calm you down too." I threw it a knowing glance. It seems to be adgitated at this point.

"Here. This is a nanab berry. It'll help calm you down. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm unique, like you two. I wouldn't go out of my way if I didn't care." I smile, and slide the berry over to shadow...or um rockruff.

Its nose twitched as it sniffs it for a few minutes. Then it quietly eats the berry. "Now for your vulpix. Let's see here..." I lift up the vulpix and take a good look at its eyes. "This looks like a severe Case of nuzzlocke blinde, but she must have had it so long that the resting at the pokemon center didn't do anything."

I hesitate, sifting around my bag. "What exactly have you two been doing? Did you encounter any strange pokemon?"

Shadow swollows the last bite of the berry, "we've traveled from the slavocian region, I need to get to the ancient ruins of life, so that I May evolve. Lori and I have been traveling for so long, until we were picked up by strange men. She was forced to battle against her will." Shadow grows adgitated, but more sorrowful than irritable. "Let me guess. It was that electrovile." I point out as a matter of factly.

"There we go!! I knew I'd find it." I chuckle. I then take out a few eye drop bottles, and dump out any old contents.

"My mother never lets me leave home without packing her famous health remedies, you never really know what you'll encounter. This is citrus berry oil. It should fix her right up in no time."

I mix together the citrus oil and pour it into each eye drop container. "Okay vulpix..or uh lori, this might feel a little cold on your eyes." The vulpix only glances around, despite it's blindness. She seems to only know half of what's going on.

I slowly squeeze two small droplets on its eyes. She seems suprised at first until I start stroking her fur. "There. Just let that Kick in, and try not to blink to much." I lean over the bed and pick off small pieces of the leftover pancakes from breakfast at the pokemon center.

I break small pieces up and feed them to her. "So, you want to evolve, you wanna stay the same, and this one needs to see?" I giggle silently. Allice whips her head up after obsorbing that last statement, "how did you know???" She blushes.

"Allice, you're not exactly Good at hiding how you feel about something. But don't you worry allice we're going to make sure you stay this way, if that's what you really want. We'll hunt down an everstone on our way to wella volcano."

Shadow looks up at me in suprise, and it's eyes lit up. "Y-You're going to help me too?? I'm not hurt or anything...This is more of a Destiny kind of trip.." I shook my head, "no one should have to do everything alone. Me Allice, and promise are willing to do anything we can to help out a friend in need. Besides, your destiny is just as important as this ones vision." A smile gently tugs at the corner of its lips.

Suddenly I heard snoring. Glancing down at the vulpix I couldn't help but chuckle. I was relieved it had fallen asleep. She must have been through so much.
A/N: workin hard on this story!!thanks sooo much for reading!!
See you next chapter XOX

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