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~ Annalece

Everyday this week. I'd wake up at four in the morning, sneak away to the beachside to train and go to school Practically dead.
Eventually I stopped sleeping at night, sometimes I found myself Helping out officer Jenny. Who knew there'd be so much evening Crime On an island supposedly being watched by guardians?

Team Rocket's been showing up all over the place lately. I found myself taking advantage of my new abilities, always Shapeshifting and Beating their asses, every Time. They're stupid as hell if they think I'm gonna stand by And let them steal people's pokemon.

The same thing Happened with a new group called team skull. They're always picking fights with people over pokemon. Why steal pokemon when you can just Capture them on your own?

If there's one thing beneficial to their pressence It's the fact that they've gifted me with a special name. I'm now Known as the shapeshifter.

I'm always helping people all over the place when I get the chance. When I shapeshift I expect people not to notice, but now a days it's hard to hide myself when so many people are trying to spot me out.

Who do you think it is?

It could be anyone in alola...

What if it's the masked royal??

The repetitive mumbling Of bystanders often annoyed the hell out of me. During patrol I often found myself Perching amongst the school roof, just because of How Great the view up there is in General.

There are moments though when I'm leaping from rooftop to rooftop- when I grow nauseous and lightheaded. Sometimes I even throw up. A kid Saw me too, I saved him From a Rampaging Taurus Before; and he gave me an oran berry.

~ flashback ~

"You're the shapeshifter So cool!!" I remember the way the boys eyes Lit up when I curried him in my arms. "Indeed I am..and who might you be?" His smile Never wavered, nor did his gaze. "I'm Caleb, my grandma and I think you're just the best! She says you saved Her orricorio!!" I blushed. "Its so cool that you can change your look!! And You can talk!!" It was hard To stay in the air carrying this kid, and Lately since I've started using shapeshifting as a form of selfharm, I'd cough up blood alot.

When we'd Finally landed I Merely collapsed to the ground.
"Woah! Are You okay??" I gave the kid a warm smile in reassurance whiping the blood from my Snout, Shaking my furr anxiously. "Don't worry kid. I'll be fine." I dug around my mane for my bag, And then sifted around my bag for my first aid kit. "Let's get That kneescrape fixed up before I bring you back to your grandmother."

He smiled, "Okay!!"

~ flashback ending ~

I felt guilty thinking back to that moment, I wondered what that child's home life was like. He lived with his grandmother, so where were his parents?

Every night I found myself scanning over my mother's file, because why not? I had the right to know what happened to my own mother.

Name: Maria justine
Time of death: 7:12pm 
Date: August 12th
Cause of death: Unspecified
Relation: Daughter, Husband, Pokemon: Cleffairy, Meowth, rufflet, dragonite, Milotic
Pokemon transference location:
Kanto pokemon Center.
Will: Annalece Justine/Nathaniel Justine
Case: Closed Due To Unauthorized Entry

Apparently I had a brother. But The thing that really irked me was the fact that They'd closed the case. And I had to wait for my mother's will to come up in the mail in order For this house to belong to me.

I currently work At a malasada stand, alongside a rather suspicious group of people. Honestly I didn't Really care who they were, they were Paying me. That's all that mattered. I needed the money in order to pay The bills, I'll be eighteen soon. Which means I have to learn to fend for myself.

I think Kukui's kind of worried about me. And how could he not be? My stupid Self keeps Going to school littered in wounds.

Today I was on my Way Out, when I was halted by ash, and Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Which was Funny Considering promise had Curled up on my head, chewing on my hairbun. My hairs gotten pretty long lately, I haven't really been taking care of it as per usual.

"Hey Annalece! Look- Litten evolved into torracat!! Let's have a battle-" he pauses, looking over my features. "Woah hey, are you okay?" I shrugged, yawning Midsentence. "I'm fine-" 
"I'm sure kiawe Can Actually win. I'm not strong enough to beat you remember?" He narrows his eyes at that.

"Hey that was a long time ago, you're stronger now right?? And so am I!!" I caught a glint of pity in his Eyes. that was enough To Push me away. "We'll battle Some other time, okay? I'm not really in the mood today."

He sighs in dissapointment. "Fine..." I Made my way Down the steps, only to be halted yet again by An anxious kukui. "Annalece, can i Talk to you for a moment?"
My gaze fell to the ground. "Its not like I have a choice anyway." He chuckled at that anxiously, and led me back into the school.

He leaned against The chalk board, I sat on someone's desk. This didn't Really annoy him as much as it probably would If it were during class, seeing as he didn't really point anything out.

"Hey, are You...Okay?" I shrug. "I'm fine. 'It's not like it matters anyways..' the last part fell into a Soft mutter. "

He groans displeased. "There's bags under your eyes. You're Bruised There's scars All over you. And you're just, Fine?"
I looked over my arms. They really were messed up. I'm so stupid.

"I talked to officer Jenny today. And nurse joy. Your mom's Information is Missing. Wanna tell me what's up with that??"
Was he testing me?
Does he know?
Quick play dumb!!!

"U-Uhh, W-What's a mom??"
Shit not that dumb!! Am I stupid?!
"Annalece. Please stop shutting out the people who care about you."

I sigh. "What's it matter anyway? The Person I cared about was taken from me!!" I clenched my hands into fists. He wasn't shocked at my response, I could only assume he expected Me to act like this.

"Your Dad." I felt My heartbeat abruptly accelerate. "Do you think He has something to do with what happened to your mom?" I Lifted my Gaze.

I remember my friends reaction to that statement....all of them thought I was Thinking over it to hard. But kukui...what Did he think??

I opened my mouth to respond, rushing to my feet. Before I knew it I was light headed. I cough into my Forearm, Bits and pieces of blood Spattering Against It.
"A-Annalece!!" He steadied my posture, Before I fell.

The more I thought about the situation the sicker I got.
Something About This sent my emotions spiraling. "What's happening to you??" I shake my head and try to shove him away. "N-Nothing! I just, I've got a cold or something..."

"That's Blood!! I don't need nurse joy to Know That's Not Normal-"
"Its..Uhh, maybe it's Puberty!!"
His Carmel hue'd cheeks tinted pink at that. "Puberty Has nothing to do with this and you know it-"

"I had Chilly today!! I-I've gotta go I have work bye!!" I Shoved him away yet again this time successfully.

I didn't go in today, so of course that wasn't Exactly why I was running. I Wanted to go train. The only one who'd know what was happening to me was Lori. She was a hybrid. And she Was created just like me. I'd need her to Help me with this.

Why does everything have to be So complicated though??

A/N: thanks so much for reading!! These updates have slowed down like alot, but I will make them promising.♡

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