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~ Annalece ~

Have you ever sat and done something, Then you get the feeling you've already done this before?

Like you're reliving that very moment all over again?

I guess you could say that's how I feel right now, dragging my feet across the cabin floor, after a long night of tossing and turning like I did.

The sun had barely met the dark blue sky. By the time dawn truly broke its way against the surface of the ocean I found myself going to the pokemon center, and handing off my recently caught pokemon to nurse joy, in hopes of healing them.

Of course my pokemon were following close by. Allice scampered at my feet, while promise remains sound asleep in my back pack.

I was suprised to find the class already awake and roaming about, planning their whereabouts for the day. I often envy how simple their lives can be. I wish I could live the simple life, and this world could be normal so that I May plan ahead in piece.

Promise breaks the silence, with a thick yawn. "Why do we always have to wake up so early." She whines. "Well, you know what they say. The early spearow gets the wurmple. " I tease, bopping her nose with a smirk.

We walk into the pokemon center, the scent of pancakes And sausage fills the air. Promise's eyes light up, but allice just looks slightly more relieved.
"You two go have at it. I've gotta get these pokemon healed up." I nod them off, although promise ended up dispersing into the piles of pancakes by the time I started speaking. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Welcome to the pokemon center! Would you like to rest your pokemon?" Nurse joy asks with a bright smile, "yes please and thanks. Do you guys happen to have any coffee?" She takes my pokemon with a smile and points over to a small coffee maker in the corner of the room.

I smiled, thanking her with a wave before meandering over to the coffee maker.

Soon I notice Lana strolling in with popplio, collecting materials for what seemed like fishing. Ash  came in as well, alongside pikachu who scrambles over to popplio only to be bubbled. He didn't exactly seem to mind. I was to tired to allow my thoughts to tune in with theirs.

"Lana what are you doing with that rod?" She smiles glancing back at ash, "performing maintenance, I'm going to catch a mega gyarados in the wild."
Ash interjects roaring with shock as well as excitement, "A MEGA GYRADOS?! OH MAN!!" I sneeze coffee through my nose, giggling to death. "AWESOME!!! I HAD NO IDEA YOU COULD DO THAT!!!" He Exclaims.

Lana sticks her tongue out teasingly, "kidding." She smirks.
Ash seemed to have melted into a literal pile of ashes, at the disappointment. "There's no such thing as a mega gyarados in the wild." Rotom; seemingly invisible until now, finally retorts in the same disappointment as well.

"But I am going fishing. Since we're on Akala, its ideal." She smiles confidently, a fierce look clear in her eyes, "I'll fish for its biggest catch."

the disappointment washes over ash, "fishing huh? We all did that together before. Well except Annalece i don't think she was here yet." I roll my eyes at that.

"You guys can come too if you'd like." Popplio and pikachu yip in excitement which, ends up popping the bubble. Pikachu falls into the floorboards with a smack.
'So much for floating' he grumbles

"OH YEAH!!!!" Ash pumps his fist in The air, though I hesitate. "Great! I'll catch the biggest one!"
Something seemed to have clicked in his head at that point, "oops, I don't have a fishing rod."

Lana happily gives ash the spare she had tucked away somewhere. Which I found odd, I thought people only stored things behind their back in cartoons.

"My families motto is always have a spare fishing rod for friends, use this ash." She hands it off cheerfully. "Thanks alot lana!" Ash chuckles.

Soon a familiar voice rang about the room, and the rest of the group poured in aswell. I felt my face heat up. I slid back in my seat, hiding behind my coffee cup. "Yeah, okay, but if you're coming, at least help out." Mallow grows wide eyed, "of course I will!-"

"Kiawe, where are you going?" Ash pikachu and Lana seemed lined up together, across kiawe and them, "everybody wants to come to my place."

"-Who Wouldn't wanna come?! It's a Real dairy farm which means butter, cheese and yogurt, made from fresh moomoo milk!!" Mallow interjects in obvious shock. Sophocles chimes into the conversation about ice cream, but I tuned them out hearing Nurse joy call out to me, "annalece! You're pokemon are all healed up and feeling much better now!" I scramble over to the counter, and happily take the pokeballs with a thankful smile.

I slide the pokeballs in my bag, before kiawe asks, "hey Annalece wanna tag along? Or are you going fishing." I blush even brighter, but shook it off in hopes of avoiding awkwardness. "Hmm, I'm probably just going to loiter, I'm sure you'll both see me around." Before I could finish I noticed promise practically about to pop, trying to shove down another pancake, and wave the rest of the group off before rushing over to her.

"Oh promise! You've gotta be shitting me! How are we going to train now?" I couldn't help but sigh, and scoop her Into my arms despite the fact that she looked like an oversized oran berry.

"You said it yourself, the early uh whatever gets the whatever. I'm tired. Can we just go back to the cabin?" I heave a long sigh, "well. Fine. But I'm not sleeping, I'm taking some of this to go, so we can feed these two." I motioned toward the pokemon in my backpack, and promise only nods.

We walk back to the cabin in silence, I had to avoid letting promise walk on her own. She'd end up rolling off, arceus knows where.

Allice seemed Worried, I only assumed it was because of pikachu or something. "Allice, you've been pretty quiet today. Is something the matter?" She glances up at me blushing. "Oh I don't really know. I guess I'm just stressed out because I think I might evolve soon."

I gaze down at her in suprise, "is that a bad thing??" She looks teary eyed. "It's good for most pokemon....but.." She then trails off. I think to myself...maybe allice doesn't wanna evolve???

Maybe I could find an everstone. That should fix things...hopefully we find it on time.
A/N: thanks so much for reading!!! And for all of the support. I couldn't have gotten this far without you, so thanks so mych for taking the time to read this♡ see you guys next chapter! XOX

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