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~ 3rd Person ~

While Annalece scrambles about the woods In search of Ash's missing Rockruff; the Class had Broken into a search party in hopes of finding it. Annalece seemed to have failed In the beginning of the search- she found Herself being reunited With an old Foe- before Despersing into the woods at the familiar sudden sight and sound of rockruff.

Little did our Team of heroes know, The poor Pokemon had loitered about An overwhelmingly tall mountain pondering its Mistakes before sudddenly being Spooked by A Wild fearow hovering about the skies In windy silence- plummeting towards a rushing stream of open Water.

Some ways away- past This evidently dangerous area- the susurration of the leaves in the gusty wind hymn in the distance.

"Nothing here either." Sighs mallow; a look of concern evident in her glossed green orbs.

"Where Are you!?" Lana And Lilly Chime in, Obliviously After mallow. The worried pair call Upon Rockruff Alongside their trusted pokemon. A vulpix With glistening bright snow-white coat of fur, and An anxious Little popplio; a pokemon With an ocean blue Hue Of Dampened Skin.

The rest of Annalece's friends search high, and low as well as far and wide for rockruff. At this point it seemed as though All hope in finding it Was lost.

"Hey, Rockruff where are you?" Calls ash- Rowlet, rotom, litten and pikachu trailing losely behind their Trainer. Rotom, Olivia and kukui shout out for the poor creature as well. "Rockruff!" Olivia Glances along the dirt path- "Rockruff please!" Ash Calls out once more. "Give us your location!" Rotom and pikachu Join in- although the pokemon could only trill and Squeak in response; if annalece were here; she'd easily be Able to translate.

Ash and the Group Plead For Rockruff to return; unknowingly that their very Pokemon, lies practically lifeless- washed up against the Shoreline of the waterstream.

Fortunately for Rockruff, Olivias Lycanroc had Been Told to Track down The injured pokemon. And gladions Lycanroc; Midnight form- Could easily hear Rockruffs plea for help just outside the cave it's trainer had decided to Settle down in for the night.

Both pokemon find themselves Haulting At a tear jerking sight. The very rockruff They had known since training at Clawtooth mountain On melemele, held onto the brink of its life- quivering against the surface of the earth.

Once they found themselves making Dead eye contact with one another, Olivias lycanroc- otherwise known as akala- growls At the deranged Beast Which stood before her. "What business do you have Here Red?"

"What do you think? I came here to gawk at a writhing creature for my own sick amusement?"
The beast- or Lycanroc- Going by the name Of Red evidently Risen by A seemingly unbeatable trainer named gladion- growls back in response.

Akala quirks an eyebrow. "I may Hold A torturous smirk, but I do have a heart." Akala finds herself rolling her eyes, as red cautiously draws near the Unconscious Rockruff, earning a snarl.

Red finds himself Furrowing his Eyes. "Relax, hothead. I know how To help." Akala, hesitated. She Never once trusted Red- for such a dark glint; to steal the color from red's eyes seemed rather untrustworthy. Red had always seemed cruel, The way he battles as well as the way he's acted back at clawtooth mountain was something she'd find herself handeling cautiously. But she knew Rockruff needed help; therefore- she'd need to Set their differences aside In order to Protect rockruff.

Alas, Red Scoops The Poor pup into his arms with a smirk; motioning towards an open path.

-slightly puzzled as to why such a demonic Pokemon would care even the slightest about this beloved creature- akala sighs."Very well then."

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