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~ Annalece ~

While ash was taking his grand trial, battling the island kahuna- olivia. i had decided i would use this free time to my advantage.

There we were, at the beachside of akala island. I made sure to remain in my original pokemon form, in hopes of preventing the release of my identity.

I never told anyone about what happened, not even kukui. I felt like I needed to avoid putting anyone in danger, especially considering the dramatic change in power.

My pokemon are out, ready for the worst. I needed their help, if I wanted to control this.

"Just Take it slow, if you shift too quickly Too early you might hurt yourself. Just let the change take you try not to fight it. That's how pokemon Cope with evolving."
I pondered what Promise had told me.

"But..well..doesnt This seem a little...suspicious? If not crazy?"
Promise gives me a puzzled expression, I then turn to shadow. "I see what your saying. We're attacked out of no where by a ton of the same pokemon that just happened to be in the area we were traveling in..." shadow trails off.

"And suddenly I'm given a new ability." I finish, my gaze falling to the ground.

I thought back to my father.
The only other creature like me, mad and insane. Evil. He has to be laced somewhere in this.

I whirl around, facing Lori whose currently gnawing at her paw- possibly trying to clean herself.
"Lori...where did you come from?"

She slowly lifts her muzzle up to face me. "I wasn't made in an ultra wormhole like most ultra-beasts...I was created in a lab."
My eyes widen, adgitation and regret course through my veins, but I remain calm. this couldn't have been her fault...She didn't ask to be created like this.

Despite my calmness, I call my paws into fists, "what's wrong annalece?" I turn to promise.
"My father." I retort, anger evident in my Piercing red eyes.

"Y-Your father??...Annalece...I'm not sure-" I completely trash promise's response however that wasn't exactly my intent. "Do you remember where the lab that created you is located?" Lori's  right ear twitches. She hesitates before responding. "Yes but.... pokemon who go in..they..they..." She grew teary eyed, immidiately returning to her pokeball.

"They don't ever come back out." Shadow finished, in slight irritation. "That place had her traumatized...She can't really talk about it without...remembering what happened."

I narrow my eyes, and fall to the ground; on my knees in defeat.
"How..how could someone be so..so evil??" My voice crackles.
My form then continues to flicker, the same jolt of energy manipulating fractions of my body.

"We have to fix this...we have to stop him....I have to stop him...
For the sake of this world..and for the sake of the pokemon he stole in vein." I clench my paws tighter, and with enough strength my body begins stabilizing itself.

"But Annalece! We're not ready for a battle like this!!" I turn to promise. "I know..."

"But with enough power, eventually a will be strong enough to defeat him. For now...we prepare ourselves." With that I rush to my feet...well...My paws.

Standing with pride, I finally finished "together we can do anything as long as we put our mind to it...." promise nuzzles my ankle and shadow stands fierce and strong, with a bright smile.
Allice leaps into the air pumping her mouse paw; cheeks sparkling vibrantly.

I felt something shake in my back, before noticing a glint of Darkness as well as Violet energy.
Lori smiles brightly, and with that we all embrace. "Together?" I ask, and every one of them exclaim in response. "Together!!"

I couldn't help but sigh in relief.
I was so thankful to have pokemon like them in my life, who are willing to stand by my side through the Deepest treacherous Valleys.

~ time skip ~

"Shadow! Use stone edge! Allice you counter that with iron tail!"
Shadow slams his paws in the ground, and large Dagger like stones peel out From the beach sand. Allice then Crushes them up slinging her tail across the Beach.

I immidiately shift, then use adapt.

My body morphs, and changes, eventually molding into the strangest feeling I've ever had.
My insides were scalding hot, but my fur glistened. Glancing into the reflection of the water, I decided to name The following form: greenery.

Why? I had become some sort of poison, bug type creature.
"Now Take me down!" I growl, my pokemon exchange worried looks, but immidiately began attacking.

Promise used thrash. Her body emits a vibrantly burning flame as she charges, which pushed me; I abruptly slid back on my claws. Shadow uses rockthrow, which sent dozens of stones hurling into my direction.

I dodged them each before being hit In the chest by Lori's focus blast. It was critical.

I fell back, but use the fall to my advantage, flipping into the air.
I use psychic followed by adapt.
Although my body immidiately morphs and changes, I notice Lori's dissapearance.

At the last moment I realised she must have used phantom force in order to get behind me. So I leap into the air only for my body to Smash into another long pile of rocks Formed by shadow's stone edge.

Lori used blizzard- flakes of snow shower into my direction as she's engulfed with a piercing Blue aura. I duck and roll beneath her before she had the chance to use Zen headbutt.

When she did, the boulders from shadows stone edge began cracking and falling apart. Getting a good glance at my reflection in  the ice formed around the rocks, I must have changed into some sort of water type form. So I decided to name this adaption: aquatic

I found myself using hydro pump on lori, which sent her body hurdling into a Rock. Shadow leaps over one of them, using thrash and his body emits a strangely different color than promise's which I found somewhat interesting.

Before he could hit, I casted an illusion before shapeshifting into that of a shiny Baby blue rockruff. My eyes still held a tint of blazing red, but I took advantage of that as well, using mean look.

I shift back into the original aquatic adaption, and use close combat. I was shocked to find shadow dodging every single attack like it was nothing.

Suddenly it used leer, which startled me, as well as distracting me. I felt A twinge of pain surge up my spine. That must have been allice's electro ball. Which evidently landed a critical hit.

I tumble forward before crawling up the nearest boulder, using adapt one final time.

I found myself shifting right back into My original form. Rheeling them each in, I used honeclaws to shatter the stone I was standing on. Then as each of them lept  from rock to rock, reaching my height, I immidiately use night daze, landing a critical hit on each and everyone of them.

I land on the ground silently, my eye colour softening to its original hue of ocean blue.

When they lay there for more than a few minutes, I start panicking. "Uhh guys..are you okay??" Slowly but surely, they each list their bodies up.

"Thank arceus!" I heave a relieved sigh, before looking around to make sure no one can see us.
I then shift back, and scoop my pokemon into my arms. "You guys did great..I might have gone just a tad bit overboard...maybe I should stick to training you amongst eachother." I mutter that last part to myself, but bolt across the Beach, heading towards the nearest pokemon center as fast as my legs could carry me.
A/N: i wanted you guys to get a good glimpse on annalece's newly found power before I drag you back to melemele and dive into a hole bunch of serious bizz. Sorry if it's too long!! Anyways, thanks so much for reading!!! Stay tuned for more epic adventures with Annalece!!! Can't wait to see you next chapter, XOX

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