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~ Annalece ~

I was laying back for what felt like an hour, until promise woke me up, padding at my shoulder.
"What'd I miss??" She glances over to shadow who had been staring down at lori, the Seemingly cosmic vulpix passed out in my lap. "Long story short we're going on a small trip to akala islands ancient ruins for that rockruff over there." After motioning towards shadow I move my gaze over to Lori- "But she's been blinded, so I'm waiting for the remedy I made  to kick in so she can see."

Promise seemed suprised At this, and also slightly confused, but she doesn't press.

'T-This feels, different." A small fickle voice murmurs. I sit up and look down at lori. She pads at her eyes with her paws, rubbing them.

"W-Why is this...what..whats happening...I can...I-I can...see???" She looks up at me, and immidiately starts quivering. "You..." She exhales, when something in her mind seems to of Lined up. "You..healed me??? I..I can see!!! But How?!?"

"Don't worry too much about that, we'll explain on the way. If we wanna get to the ancient ruins and back by nightfall we'd better hurry. it's barely passed noon."

I immidiately rush around the room, finding clothes and stuffing them in my bag as well as food and random snacks.

'Annalece? This has been on my mind for a while now.' I glance over to promise whose gazing up at me questioningly.

Alright then, let's hear it. But we haven't got all day. "Where exactly does your bag go When you shape shift?" I ponder that question before chuckling, "it kind of just gets lost in my mane. The huge hair I get when I shift into zoroark isn't exactly my favorite part of shifting, it's protecting the people...and pokemon..I love." With that I scoop promise into my arms.

I yelped in suprise, Lori had begun hovering around me. "W-well..I'm glad to see you're feeling better." I pat her on the head, "thanks to you."  I only smile in response, "everyone choose a traveling buddy in case we get split up."

They all exchanged puzzled glances but divided into two groups. Shadow and lori,
Then allice and promise.
"But what about you?" I froze for a moment, thinking to myself.
Then I giggle sheepishly, "uh, I've got zoroark. Come on let's hit the trails." With that, promise leaps into my bag, and allice scrambles up my back and leaps over my shoulder. Lori just sort of kept floating around. "Lori, you've probably gotta promise..or...swear to stick with shadow, I don't mind you floating around when someone's there protecting you. Okay?" She hesitated, touching her paw to her nub of a chin, but soon hovers lower to the ground next to shadow.

We then bolt out of the cabin. I found myself bursting with excitement; running as fast as possible alongside my pokemon.
Lori grabs shadow, and seems to have used psychic in order to keep him floating around with her. Allice is fast enough to keep up with me, and I think promise has just about fallen asleep. She usually does that in my bag.

Suddenly I felt my entire body slam into something, and fell back. I scan My surroundings, finding professor kukui reaching out to help me back onto my feet
"Oh, I'm so sorry Annalece. Didn't mean to knock you over like that, uh where are you headed off too?" I exhale, "well this one needs help evolving, and this one wants an everstone, so I'm going to the ancient ruins of life." He scratches his head, "why an everstone?"
I glance down at allice, "well she wants to stay the same. Anyways, I've gotta go I'll be back as soon as possible." Although i heard kukui yelling after me, something about the stone- I ignored him. I didn't mean to, it's just....teachers are boring.

Anyways, we sped off. Dispersing into the woods, ready to face the Stress of A great yet small adventure ahead of us.

Cutting through small paths, we found ourselves coming across ash and lana who were quite obsorbed into fishing. I waved to them although they never seemed to notice.

We even passed kiawe's farm, but kiawe was to busy with chores to talk. I felt bad for him, no one seemed to be helping him out, instead they just Inhaled dairy products and used the moomoo milk to their advantage.

I waved to kiawe, and passed by his home, coming back to the trail- which led to the woods.
Lori and allice were scared, but once I assured them Nothing would try and Battle anything as scary as zoroark- they calmed down.

Traveling was suprisingly fun.
There was a variety of gorgeous pokemon around this area, we even found ourselves crossing paths with a family of yungoos.

The youngest, yungoos seemed flustered so I had asked it what was the matter.

I guess it assumed I wouldn't be able to understand it so, it motioned towards a tree filled with oran berries and back to a small cave where, the largest- a gumshoos- looked sick to its stomach.

"Oh poor thing! Lori, would you do me a favour and help me get some of those berries. I'm going to examine it, and make sure those will actually help." I squat down a few feet a way, with a look of concern. Allice seemed sketchy, and of course doesn't trust wild pokemon so, she stayed at my side. "I'm just going to examine you, I'm not going to hurt you or anything okay?" The poor thing coughs weakly remaining limp, it used growl but eventually allowed me to take a better look.

I laced my fingers throigh the glistening tan fur on either side of its head, and narrow my eyes to look into its sickened posture.

"It's poison pin, no wonder you're in so much pain." I stroke it's fur, as Lori placed a few oran berries I my hand. I fed it the berries, then start sifting around my bag. It felt like 10 minutes had passed before I finally found what I was looking for. "This antidote will surely heal you. All you have to do is open wide." The pokemon doesn't seem to press on my judgement, and does like so opening its mouth.

I place the contents of the medicine on its tongue. Shadow seems to have brought a small bowl of water, made of leaves and kindly nudges it towards the gumshoos.

After that, we waved to the family, and disperse into the woods; back to the task at hand.

On our way around we found ourselves encountering dozens of pokemon in need of help. But happily we helped them.

It felt like were probably never going to make it when suddenly
I trip over a large rock panel; faceplanting into a Dirty, yet concrete like surface.

Promise slid across it, but eventually woke up and stopped herself from sliding into the dirt.
She threw a nasty glare my way, "uh sorry promise. I didn't see that there." Promise only rolls her eyes and scrambles back into my bag.

A strange but feminine voice rings throughout the area. Shadow doesn't react to it, and bolts over to the Large surface. "This is it!!!! We're here!! The ruins of life!!" He squeaks in sheer excitement.

I smile at that, and rush to my feet before meandering over to him. "So, what do we do now?" He tilts his head. "Um, I probably just wait here until something happens." I gave him a puzzled expression at that, but I don't press.

"Well i guess we should start searching for an everstone. Right allice?" Allice smiles vibrantly, and we start scanning the area.
There was no doubt I'd stop at nothing to help my pokemon find happiness. I was glad to help.
A/N: can't wait for you guys to see what I have in store for the next chapter!!! Thanks sooo much for reading. Stay tuned for more epic adventures with annalece! XOX

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