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~ 3rd Person ~

Being a hero, has a variety of different terms- but to Annalece- it meant risking her life For the ones she cared about. Reguardless of the situation. Which is why she found herself once again facing off with Tapu lele, only this time something strange fought its way Through her body.

Ignoring signs of obvious Pain, she glares up at the levitating
pokemon, alongside a pair of lycanroc who seemed to have been protecting rockruff, who lie unconscious amongst the ancient ruins of life; littered in wounds.

Both seemed particularly familiar, they'd sounded quite familiar too. Their coats seemed different; like night and day. But their beating hearts race in sync. Laced with determination and fear.

~ Annalece ~

Fear of losing someone. determined to protect them. It was something I admired.
Unfortunately before I could do anything she immidiately used An annoying move, I'm all too familiar with.

Draining kiss, is used on both lycanroc, and then onto me. But as I collapse to the ground I felt that same Jolt of energy from before rushing through my chest. Images bubble Over the surface of my mind. drabbles, and moments of my life I've seemed to have forgotten over the years, resurface my thoughts, before I'm finally pulled back into reality.

Kukui and olivia seemed to have finally caught up with us. You wouldn't really need enhanced abilities to expect Professor kukui's brief lecture about what the move is and how it works. Then again he only really studies pokemon moves anyway, which is why he teaches children about pokemon in the first place.

Tapu lele did something that suprised me to an extent. It had used the energy it had taken from us, and used it to heal rockruff.

And suddenly I felt a wave of relief wash over me once we each realised Rockruff had finally regained consiousness.

Ash embraces rockruff, and with that Tapu lele chortles with joy racing around the Droll hued battle field.

After I watched Ash and his rockruff Reunite, I found myself Gazing up at the sky. And I knew The others were doing the same.
It felt as though I were suddenly captured By the setting sun, Enamoured of its astonishing hues of pale Lime green. But rockruff seemed much more amazed. As if it were chained to its spot, before it tilts its head back and starts howling.

With that the other lycanroc join. The beauty in their Harmonizing roars, and howls practically Call out to the dying sun, as if It would never return again. I felt a lot less pressured when kukui took his gaze off me. He'd been keeping a Really close eye on me lately.

And after the field trip we've had, how could he not? My secrets are slowly but surely coming undone, and it was hard handling it.

And before I could disperse from sight I found myself distracted by the blinding light engulfing the small rockruff. It's form grows and changes, leaving me in awe.

"Woah check out the sun!" Ash exclaims, observing the horizon.
Olivia chimes in only to be interupted by kukui "That glow..." Olivia then gasps "is that the green flash??"

I felt something jostle around my mane of shiny hair. I could tell it was shadow. Which could only mean he's being drawn to the aura radiating around the newly evolved lycanroc. Who seemed to be quite different from the other two.

I found it both relieving and confusing.

Before kukui had the chance to stop me, I scrambled away, to shift back and made my way back to the cabin we've been partnered to share before anyone noticed I Was gone.

The Shapeshifter: pokemon sun&moon (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now