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~Annalece ~

Battling with my pokemon rather than battling all by myself was something quite more different than anything I've done in a long time. Now that I think about it,
I haven't battled using my pokemon since before my old zorua evolved.

It was surprising how professor kukui and Olivia took to my sudden dissapearance. What was even more shocking was their reaction when they had found me
I had expected them to scold me for leaving without letting anyone know once again.

Honestly though, I think they've gotten pretty used to that by now.

~ flashback ~

"What an improvement!" Someone chimes in from behind me. I shiver in fear before glancing back. There stood both professor kukui and Olivia. They stare back with warm smiles.

I immidiately felt warmth creeping it's way onto my cheeks.
"You really looked like you and your pokemon were battling as one." Olivia's eyes sparkle in excitement.

"W-well...um...I-I..how long were you two standing there??" My gibberish melts into Somewhat of an understandable sentence. "Long enough to see how far you've come! It seems like just yesterday you were storming out of the pokeschool because you absolutely hated pokemon." Olivia rams her elbow into kukui which helped me to ease up.

"Well, t-that doesn't really make much sense. I stormed out of the pokeschool approximately 2 and a half moons before..I agreed to come on this field trip." I explain. Kukui Stares back at me dumbfounded. Olivia quirks an eyebrow.

"Well I envy your akala spirit! But you really need to learn how to relax. This is a field trip after all."
Olivia placed her hand on my shoulder, "danger lirks in the shadows anywhere and everywhere. I don't really know how I can 'relax'."

~ end of flashback ~

I shook myself from my thoughts.
I realised classes were just barely beginning. Scanning the cabin I notice its completely empty.

I felt A gentle paw padding at my ear. I glance over to promise who's happily perched on my shoulder "annalece! Everyone's already out and about-
"O-Oh yeah right. I already knew that! Which is why I was-"
Tripping over my feet I tumble out of the cabin. "Already..going That way." I finish with a grumble. Allice leaps in front of me; pressing her head against the sand with a smirk. "Why are you lying around? The fun is that way." she points her paw over to the town. I rush to my feet and bolt across the trail. My gaze drifts around the area.

People are going about there day. It seemed this is how paniola town usually is.

"Ah! what an awesome town this is!" I notice ash was wandering around; peering out at the town in awe. I rush over to his side.
"Hey annalece!! Isn't it great we're here?!" He bubbled with excitement- almost as if he just inhaled A barrel filled with sugar.

"Ash!!! Annalece!!! What are you doing? Class is gathering, here but you're over there!" Mallow glares over at us with a stern look. "-so let's get moving!" Growls Sophocles.

With that ash and I rush over to the class, "oh, man. sorry, sorry!" I glance over to ash whose rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly next to his apologetic pikachu.

Once we made it over to the class I found myself standing right next to kiawe. Taking my surroundings i mentally gulp. "-not a care in the world, eh, ash?" Kiawe crosses his arms glancing at me with a smirk. Ash only chuckles in response, and soon does the class.

"Annalece! Try not to blush like an idiot...you'll make a fool of yourself!" Promise hissed into my ear. "Annalece don't listen to her! Just be yourself." Allice paws at my ankle with a smile. I ease up, taking deep breathes.

"Alola, class!" Kukui  cheerfully exits the Towns original cabin.
The whole class returns the gesture. "Alola!" They cheer back. Well...all accept me.

I never quite understood that ritual.

Olivia smiles brightly, "Your field-trip to akala island is off to an amazing start.-" "are we going to have a home ec class!" Mallow interjects.

"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves." Olivia and professor kukui chuckle. "What we need here is a dose of agility!" Kukui proposes with a smirk.

~ Time skip ~

The class is lead into A beautiful stoutland farm. The class Cheers along pointing out The existence of both stoutland and herdier  who go about their lives as if oblivious to our watchful gaze.

"We're gonna use stoutland as a ride pokemon and go on a treasure hunt!" Olivia exclaims.
A river of chills errupts down my spine.

As kukui and Olivia explain details, I felt promise nuzzle my cheek. "What's wrong annalece?" My gaze falls to the ground. "This is extremely dangerous! What if someone falls?? Or gets trampled by stoutland? Or bit? Or these crazy things decide using tackle on them!" I whisper hiss.

Promise tsks judgementally. "Oh annalece you're so melodramatic. You know you won't let anything happen to these students, and neither will professor kukui and Olivia. Besides these stoutland look innocent." Promise leaps off my shoulder, scrambling to the nearest stoutland before I could scoop her into my arms.

"Promise!! C'mon!!" I growl, but promise completely ignores me.
Allice seems to do the Same.

Ash gawks at every stoutland while the rest of the class goes to chose their own.

Once everyone else finally chose their ride, promise Called out to me, and to my suprise she was perched right on the back of the very last stoutland in the stables.

It's collar was burgundy, with a hint of violet. It's glossed brown orbs were gazing up at me. As if on cue my senses went off.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck abruptly stand on edge.
"Looks like the only way out of this is you stoutland." I kindly pat the Pokemon on the head, with a warm smile.
A/N: Sorry about the short chapter!! I only made this one short because I was planning on posting 2 chapters at once. So. Can't wait 2 see you again, XOX

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