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The next morning, Chris arrived bright and early at 7:00am. There were at least one or two people present in the room, either sleeping or reading a book since there were no people yet. The door opened fifteen minutes later, and it revealed to be Arturo and some of their other peers whom Chris can call as friends. Arturo has an exasperated look on his face, maybe he stayed up all night cramming his homework on certain subjects which made him like this.

Leon and Piers haven't arrived for some time now, worrying Chris slightly considering they would usually come at this time of day. 'Maybe they're running late?' Chris then started conjuring up scenarios on why they couldn't attend school. The door was heard opening again and this time, it was Albert Wesker in all his handsome godlike glory along with his best friend William Birkin by his side. And then finally, the door opened again and it were the two boys Leon Kennedy and Piers Nivans themselves.

" Piers! Leon! Thank God, I thought you weren't coming. " Chris exclaimed in relief. The two boys sat down and put their bags down on the floor next to them, and then they began to tell their story.

" It's was just not traffic and then BOOM! All traffic, " Piers explained, with Leon stifling his giggles in the background as he spoke. Chris looked at Leon, his look saying if this story was true and Leon nodded, laughing out loud out of control of his laughter.

" Yea and I saw Piers * giggle giggle * sticks his head out the window and,... * laugh * and soMetHing JusT hit hiM in The faCe!! " Leon continued the story for Piers, laughing in the process. The two continued to share their story to their best friend Chris until the first teacher walked in the room, holding papers and a clipboard. Nobody wasted time to stand up and greet the presence in the room.

" Take your seats. " The cool airy voice of the professor spoke, and they all obliged. The lesson was average to say the least, nothing interesting but it certainly wasn't lifeless either. But others seemed to think so, as minutes later they all had their heads flat on their desks peacefully asleep as the professor in front droned on about the lesson.

She didn't seem to mind her students sleeping in class, maybe others have also thought that her class had been uninteresting and flat and so maybe she had gotten used to this. Except for Chris, Albert and William, they were the only ones awake to listen to her lesson the entire time as most of the class had been somewhat passed out out of boredom.

Outside, the bell was heard ringing, signifying that it was time for their next class to commence and that was the only time the men heard it. Standing up, they groggily and lazily bid her goodbye and sat back down again, staring off into space once more. They waited for their next subject teacher by rough housing little boys, except for Albert, William, Chris and his two best friends. Those boys were content on conversing with one another silently.

" Who's gonna watch the Avengers: Endgame? " Chris asked the two, and then they reluctantly agreed. Now the trio were feeling hyped now that they had something to look forward to. Everyone's that noisy that they did not acknowledge a presence come into the room, and it was their Math teacher who was the second period. Well, someone finally looked over to see him in the room and told all of them to quiet down.

Same routine as ever when greeting all their professors and they began their lesson as always. Now this time, it was interesting and bubbly because the professor always made jokes along the way while teaching the young pupils some Mathematics, and that made them more eager to learn. After that fun-filled lesson, they were all drained out and they were now ready to take a break for recess.

" What will you be consuming for today, William? " Wesker asked his best friend. The sandy blonde put a finger on his chin, and shrugged.

" It depends on what I see. " Birkin replied as they walked to the cafeteria that was most of the time, crowded. They managed through to get in line with one of the food stalls. They waited for a couple of minutes and when William and Wesker finally reached it, a person right next to him accidentally bumped his shoulder which caused him to slightly fall backward.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now