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It was now twelve in the afternoon, Albert had recently finished eating his lunch with his family. Alex wasn't here because she was having a sleepover with Alexia at Excella Gionne's place. He really enjoyed it since he didn't have to deal with her torment for two days. When he finished consuming his food, he went upstairs to shower in his room.

" Ahh, this is a very relaxing shower. " Albert sighed in relief while he scrubbed his head to rinse the shampoo off. When he had finished cleansing himself, he died of his hair with a towel and wrapped another towel on his waist. He looked at his mirror, and saw tiny bits of hair on his upper lip, and so he decided to shave it to keep clean.

When he put on a black turtleneck shirt and some pants, Wesker sat down on his bed and messed around with his phone. 'I feel rather bored now' He thought, after looking through his social media. Then, he had an idea. He texted his father if he could allow Chris to come to the mansion, and his father agreed but also told him that they weren't allowed to make a mess.

He clutched his chest nervously, because he wanted to confess his feelings towards Chris but as ever mentioned before, he couldn't do it out of fear of rejection and he simply get a chance to do so. And luckily, Chris secretly felt the same way towards him except he also had the same insecurities that he had.

Albert sighed and pulled out something from his drawer, it was a Flat Stanley book that Chris had. A few days ago, he ordered a copy of this book to make up for his cruel treatment toward him. He ran a finger on the cover before hiding it back inside the drawer and got his phone to text Chris.

Meanwhile, Chris was busy reading his school book. Claire walked in the living room and saw him, instantly raising her eyebrow in curiosity and confusion.

" Why are you studying on this weekend? " She asked. Chris gave her a shrug for an answer.

" I don't know, I just felt like it. " Claire shrugged and made some iced tea before heading back into her room. His phone beeped, indicating that he received a message from someone. It was Albert Wesker. He asked him if he wanted to come over to his house, he asked if it was okay, and of course he replied by saying that it was.

Chris Redfield: So what time am I going there?

Albert Wesker: In a few minutes, I will be there to get you.

Chris Redfield: Kk

When they stopped chatting, he immediately began changing his clothes inside his room, trying to find the best outfit. Chris just ended up wearing a greyish green polo, jeans and sneakers. When Albert texted him that he was here, he yelled at Claire that he was going out and hang out at Albert. He went outside and saw Albert's signature black limo outside the apartment entrance.

Wesker was nowhere to be seen, probably inside the vehicle already. A person walked out of the car and opened it for him, but before he could do so, Chris stopped him and told him that he could do it on his own. He entered and there was Albert Wesker, leaning against the window, sleeping. He smiled and chuckled to himself.

As a joke, he slowly crept up right next to him and blew in his ear, startling the platinum blonde boy awake and frantically looking around for the source until he saw Chris stifling a giggle with his hand. Wesker glared at him with his crimson red eyes.

" That was not funny, Redfield. " Wesker growled, his sharp talons showing as he gritted his teeth in annoyance. Chris giggled and rolled his eyes.

" Whatever, it's funny seeing you get pissed off. " Chris said with a grin. Albert rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, huffing while facing away from him out of annoyance. Chris went near him and rested his head on his shoulder.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now