Twenty Four

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Beep! Beep! Beep!... 'The sound was probably coming from a phone or something, hmmm....' thought Wesker while rubbing his eyes and groaning in annoyance at the sudden disturbance of his nice and quiet slumbering. And he was indeed right, because his phone was vibrating and making the noise.

" Who could that be? " He wondered, and picked up his phone. Claire looked liked she was spamming everyone with texts but they looked serious, as though she was trying to call them to tell them something important. And, there were at least seven messages unread from the group chat.

He thought that maybe he could answer it later after showering and eating so he could feel refreshed when he checked it out. When he ate and cleansed himself, he looked at his phone and to his surprise, there were now twenty five messages that mostly came from Claire. He opened his phone and saw that she wanted everyone to be here so she didn't tell anyone yet.

Claire Redfield: Oh thank goodness ur here Wesker. We've been waiting 🙄

Leon Kennedy: Yea, u shouldnt keep a girl waiting ya no.

Albert Wesker: Alright, Alright I get it!
Albert Wesker: Now what is it?

Claire Redfield: I just heard something in an alleyway while I was going home

Arturo De Leon: Woah wat is it??? oOo

Claire Redfield: I'm going to say it nga

Arturo De Leon: sorry mam

Claire Redfield: As I was saying, I heard two men talking about what sounded like it was about Chris.
Claire Redfield: Maybe they were the ones who assaulted him?

Albert Wesker: Hmm... What were they saying?

Claire Redfield: They were saying something about how Excella was going to be happy and laughing about how it was on the news.

Piers Nivans: Wow, they're pretty awful.

Albert Wesker: Well, don't expect anything nice from Excella.

The chattering went on for ages and probably lasted for three hours before slowly, one by one, everyone had to leave the chat because of some errands they had to do from their parents. Wesker called it a day and decided to browse Instagram.

Everyone did not expect him to have such a social app but he still had it, and he just mostly posted about other things normal people wouldn't do. All his pictures seemed to have 'boring' stuff while most of his friends have either selfies, group selfies, etc. He mostly 'stalked' Chris' profile though.

Wesker grew tired of being around the gadget and headed downstairs to get a cup of Greek yogurt from the fridge since he felt a little hungry. He sat down on the chair and ate the dairy product silently, with the only noises being his slurping.

And when he was finished eating the delicious yogurt, he washed the spoon, threw the cup in the bin and went back upstairs to continued browsing even more miscellaneous things. That is, until he received..... a message? From literally, Excella Gionne herself.

" How did that little bitch get my number? " Wesker gritted his teeth while he looked at the message. He sighed heavily and sent her a message that had the lines of 'don't talk to me'. But she was stubborn and kept persisting while he was resisting.

Excella Gionne: Please Wesker, I swear at the bottom of my heart, I'm not who I was before!

Albert Wesker: Then why did you order some people to do something to Chris, huh?

Excella Gionne: ...
Excella Gionne: It's none of your concern, he's fine.

Albert Wesker: Fine? FINE?!!!
Albert Wesker: You nearly killed him!!!
Albert Wesker: I would never want to date a killer!!

Excella Gionne: It won't happen again.
Excella Gionne: Why can't we get back together and be like what we used to be???

Albert Wesker: Reason Number one, you were a bully and I never wanted to BE ONE.
Albert Wesker: Reason Number two, I was forced to be with you. And I never loved you in the first place.
Albert Wesker: And reason Number three, you almost killed the love of my life!

Excella Gionne: ...
Excella Gionne: You'll regret this. You'll highly regret doing this to me..
Excella Gionne: I gave you everything, and THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME???
Excella Gionne: So you're gay now, huh?? You faggot! God will never forgive you and you won't go the heaven if you become gay!

* Albert Wesker has blocked Excella Gionne *

Excella smashed her phone against the wall in anger, brutally breaking it into pieces as she got walked towards her window and peered outside with a grim look on her face. Her thoughts were full of violence, all about how she wanted to end Chris especially.

" This is all your fault, Chris Redfield! " She snapped and looked away from the massive window that overlooked the whole subdivision to sit down on her desk chair to stop and think for a moment. 'What ever shall I do to convince him to be with me?' She thought heavily.

Meanwhile, with Chris Redfield still confined in the hospital bed, was bored out of his mind because he didn't know what to do. The men must've damaged him real good because whenever he moved, a painful sting will be felt all over his body, causing him to sit back down again. The only healed parts of his body were his arms and upper body.

" If only Albert was here... " He sighed dreamily, thinking of the tall and handsome platinum blonde named Albert Wesker. A knock was heard from the door, before it opened and Claire came in with a bouquet of flowers and a card, wishing him to get well. The auburn haired teen gave him a smile before setting the flowers and card on his table and sitting down on a chair.

" Hey big bro, how're you holding up? " She asked with concern, concerned for his well being. He told her that he was fine and that he was just bored because he would be released in a few more days. They chattered happily about life and stuff.

And then she informed him about who had done that to Chris

" What, Excella Gionne? The one that we met during the interaction and the one that wouldn't keep her hands off of Wesker? " Chris said, shocked at this discovery. Claire nodded, confirming it. He just sat there, still shocked before he regained his composure to talk again.

" I didn't even do anything. " Said Chris.

" Well, she thinks you did something, which was 'steal' Wesker from her. " Claire emphasised the word 'steal' by her fingers. All went silent until Chris broke it.

" I have a feeling that she's after me like those romantic drama movies... " Chris spoke.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now