Twenty Five

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Poor Claire and Jill having to now deal with Excella and Alexia's torment for days. At least Alex Wesker isn't here, otherwise it's worse. But they paid no attention anyways and focused on other things. Even everyone else is getting annoyed by their antics.

" Hahaha! Look at yourself, such an awful peasant with awful looks to match it up! " Excella sneered with a smile that looked liked a snake, because she is one. They ignored her because this was probably her fiftieth time that she has tried to insult them. Even after everyone had told them to shut their mouths, of course they wouldn't listen because of their 'social class'.

At least, Chris is now healed and caught up with the topics he missed out on during his time being confined in a hospital room for days. And as usual, he's still at the top of the class. Even his teachers are impressed that he still manages to maintain a high grade with his subjects. The rest of the day was fine, the teachers all made them review for the upcoming exams next week.

Until it was now Homeroom time with their class advisor and there was an announcement that mad everyone's minds explode into a million pieces and holler in the air as though they were animals. He had announced that it was going to be their Christmas party next week after their exams on Monday and Tuesday.

" Do we have to decorate our classroom? " William asked, the look in his eyes are sarcastic, as though he were going to be in a bad mood when the reply was a 'yes'. And unfortunately for him, it was a yes which made him mutter under his breath.

" What's wrong with decorating? " Leon asked him with a questioning gaze.

" Takes too much time and money. And, after that, we have to CLEAN it up. " William complained while rolling his eyes.

" Yay Christmas! " Piers said with joy. Chris smiled at his friend's enthusiasm, before it was interrupted by Logan with a very 'peculiar' suggestion for a Christmas decoration, causing him to blush madly. And so did Wesker.

" Why don't we have mistletoes? How's that sound? " He asked while chuckling. Everyone gave a noise of disgust, making him groan because it wasn't allowed. Chris was also excited for Christmas, but at the back of his mind, he still couldn't shake the feeling that Excella was going after him.

Meanwhile with Claire and Jill, the same announcement for their Christmas was announced and they all hollered with the same joy and laughter like the boys. Claire was most especially excited because of the vacation afterwards so that she could rest. Until a sneer came from the snake named Excella, but they paid no mind to it.

After school, Claire and Chris walked home together and when they arrived home, Chris had suddenly received a message from an unknown number. It was giving him hate mails and death threats. Claire peeked at the messages until she concluded that it was Excella.

" It's Excella. " Claire deadpanned, giving the phone back to Chris. Chris stood there, dumbfounded. Even though he was intelligent, the one thing he couldn't do was figure out who would send those messages to him.

" How did you know so easily? I thought it could've been anyone else. " Chris said.

" Analyse the messages, they're all about Wesker. " She explained. She showed him again, and it all made sense to him now. Excella was furious because she knows that these messages aren't working on them. So she thought up a new plan to sabotage him.

" Oh yeah, that's right, the Christmas party... " She grumbled. She gave a sigh of disappointment.

" I suppose I could wait for the right opportunity to strike once the jolly time of the year is over. " She sneered before smirking after an idea popped up in her head. A very evil idea to be more specific.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now