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There was an astoundingly brilliant high school boy named Cristopher Redfield. Or call him Chris for short or if you're lazy as hell. The young man named Chris Redfield possessed superior intelligence that rivalled Albert Einstein and might I add, ravishing good looks. His hair a light brown and a somewhat jagged texture. The eyes are the colour of a very, very dark brown, reminiscent of dark chocolate. The skin is as light and smooth as a baby fawn and those lips, those pink and luscious lips that we're soft and and moist.

This creature is perfect, but not too perfect you know. It's just that he's too much of a perfectionist so he always wants to be neatly 'presentable', as he  always says. As for the learning institution he attends to, it is the lovely DLSU(De La Salle University) and Redfield was highly praised by his peers for his academic excellence and benevolent personality. He had made two best friends named Leon Kennedy and Piers Nivans.

It was another average day inside their classroom, and the subject that the men were all partaking right now, is Science. Their professor explained to them that they were going to dissect frogs in the Science lab. That grossed everyone out because of knowing the fact that they'll have to touch the slimy, foul and most likely newly deceased creatures.

" We're gonna have to open up a dead thing?!! " Piers exclaimed in disgust. The professor nodded and quieted everyone down. Leon on the other hand, was left pondering what the inside of a frog would look like if he took a peak in it.

" Hmm, I wonder what those insides look like. " Leon said, putting a finger on his chin. Piers looked at him quizzically from those words while Chris raised an eyebrow.

" It's gonna be gross! " Piers told him. Leon shrugged blankly.

" I don't care, I still wanna see it, it's probably interesting. " Leon said, quite loudly that everyone in the room heard it, making them look at him weirdly while Leon shrugged again and retorted back at them.

" What? I like learning about it! " They slowly looked away from him, and continued listening to the professor on the instructions until he stood up and motioned everyone to line up in front of the door. Chris and company were amusing themselves as they walked to the lab. They goofed off for a while until the line abruptly stopped moving, indicating that they have arrived. The professor held out a key and turned it on the knob of the door.

" Okay, now everyone will QUIETLY sit down once we enter the lab and I will tell more instructions here. " He instructed them, opening the door and stared at the room in awe as they drank in the sight of the large room filled with flasks, tools and microscopes of every kind on top of long white tables. There were sinks in the sides, along with posters of Being Aware of Natural Disasters. The teacher's desk was on the front.

" This. Is. Huge. " Leon commented. Piers slowly nodded in agreement, unable to comprehend on how large this room is.

" This is way bigger than our grade school one! " Piers pointed out. The students were stuck being mesmerised by the interior until they were interrupted by a rapid clapping from their professor.

" Okay! Everyone to your seats! " They quickly and silently sat down on the chairs, waiting for more instructions. He went in front of them on the board.

" Now, this activity will be done in pair work. So I will now proceed to listing them down. " Holding a marker, he turned around and began to write down. Chris and a few people groaned in disappointment by the fact that they had to do this in pairs, because some wanted to complete it alone and they could just help others if they required assistance. Then, a hand was slowly raised.

" Sir, why do we have to do it in pairs? It would be rather difficult if another person is with you. " A boy named Alfred Ashford questioned. The professor turned around and stared him down, devoid of any emotion.

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