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" Am I late?! OMIGOSH I don't wanna be late! " Chris asked with a panicked look and tone of voice as he entered his room. Albert stepped forward and looked at him straight in the eye with his usual stoic expression which, to Chris, it made him look quite attractive.

" Chris, you're not late, and you'll never be late. " Albert told him, his face a bit too close to his. 'Albert! You're too close!' He blushed, before the taller blonde boy moved away from his face. Leon was behind him and put a hand on the brunette's shoulder, smirking.

" Gettin' pretty close there eh? " Leon teased. Chris turned around to face his friend and snap at him for scaring him and other reasons. Chris glanced at his peers, who were frantically reviewing their subjects before the actual exams started. They saw Piers on his desk, whispering prayers for good luck.

" I would be praying if I were you. " William whispered to Leon, knowing that his friend wasn't as intelligent as the sandy blonde.

" Hmm, yea sure. " Leon agreed, also not wanting to fail miserably.

" Maybe we should all pray. " Arturo chimed in, walking up to them. They all looked at him quizzically as to how he had heard them speaking but Arturo just shrugged it off. So they all sat down in a secluded area in the room and started praying until their first exam was about to take place. Their proctor, which was their math teacher, came in and demanded them to arrange their seating and place their bags in front.

" I don't know if I could pass this... " Chris muttered nervously, a worried look on his face. Albert heard his words and grabbed Chris' chin, forcing the smaller male to look up at his bright red eyes.

" Listen, if you were confident during the frog dissection, then you can do this. " Albert told him. Chris smiled and they gazed at each other lovingly before they were interrupted by their classmate Logan.

" OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! Romance is happening!!! " Logan teased them, causing the two males to blush and yell at him. Everyone also teased by hollering out 'ooooh'. The two boys gave each other a look of encouragement before they sat down on their respective chairs. He took a glance at Piers, and saw him slightly shivering with nervousness so he called out to him.

" Piers, you can do this! " Chris said. From those words, Nivans gave him a little smile. The proctor handed them their papers and told them that they may now start. Chris' expectations of the exams were now debunked because he had just realised that it was easy. Feeling confident, he answered the paper. Then, when he had finished, he placed his paper upside down and slumped on his chair, sleeping.

Meanwhile, Wesker had the same thought that Chris had during the exam. It had been highly easy that he effortlessly answered it until he had finished at an estimated number of ten to fifteen minutes or so. When he had finished, he grabbed one of his books that he had brought and proceeded to pass time by reading. Same thing went for Birkin since he was smart.

Meanwhile for their academically challenged friends, they were having a bit of a hard time. Well, mostly Arturo at this certain subject while Piers and Leon had a bit of a hard time doing it, but it was still manageable for them. Arturo looked at his watch and was shocked to find out that he had ten minutes left. 'Crap! I'm just in the second bit and there are two more!' Arturo thought, his brown skinned forehead sweating. Leon observed their Filipino friend with pity as he was having quite a difficult time. He checked his watch.

" Five minuets left. " The proctor announced. Chris looked over at De Leon and looked at him encouragingly, hoping that he would finish on time. Eventually, time ran out and they were asked to pass over their answer sheets.

" I think I did good myself! " Logan confidently passed his papers. Alfred grinned amusingly at the arrogant boy.

" Really now, Villanueva? " He asked mockingly, stifling a chuckle. Logan gave Ashford a glare before turning back in front.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now