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" Chris! " A female voice rang through the male brunette's room as the bed covers were over his limp body. He must've been slumbering until about the estimated time of 11:00am. Well, he was really exhausted from the long day trip he had in Batangas yesterday from as early as three in the morning, to as late as nine. Chris groaned as a response and shifted himself away from Claire.

After relentlessly trying to convince him to leave the bed, she failed and so she sighed in defeat and crossed her arms, calculating other ways to wake her brother up. So she called Arturo for some assistance. He explained to her that the only way to wake him up was to slap him in his behind and splash him with a bit of water on his face.

She stifled a giggle from her lips and prepared the rest, especially a cup of water to which she casually poured some tape water on the cup from the sink. She rubbed her hands together, making sure to put force into the slap and then a loud slap was heard, followed by the splashing of water on his face. He had been immediately awoken by the impact and glared at the auburn haired female.

" What the hell was that for?!! " Chris screamed with anger. Claire didn't take note of this and rubbed her hands again for another blow.

" Alright... time for an encore! " Claire joked, to which Chris defensively raised his arms up and shook his head.

" Okay okay I'll get up! Geez... " Chris slumped out of his bed and entered his bathroom. Claire smiled triumphantly to herself and exited his room to have her leisure time in her room as well. When Chris finished, he exited out of his bedroom and began cooking some food in the kitchen for his lunch time. After eating and cleaning up, he sat down on the couch and messed around with the features on his phone.

Eventually, he ended up surfing the web about all kinds of questions he had about things he didn't understand. He even browsed pictures of fan art from the shows and movies he loved. And then, he payed a visit to social media, mostly Instagram and would occasionally visit Facebook. He saw his friends had posted photos of the trip yesterday and their selfies together, making his lips curl into a smile because of the fun memories they had.

" Heeeyyy brother!! " Claire's voice chimed into the living room. She entered, a sly smirk plastered on his face. 'What is she smiling about?' Chris wondered, and asked. Claire proudly showed him the image from yesterday and it showed Chris and Albert cuddling. He blushed furiously at the sight and saw who took this photo, Leon Kennedy.

" Who is this man hmmm??? " Claire asked slyly. Chris couldn't lodge the words out of his mouth to answer.

" N-no one... " Chris muttered nervously, looking away. Claire still eyed him down for an answer.

" What's the matter? Don't you trust me? " insisted Claire. Chris sighed with a mix of frustration and nervousness, and told her.

" That's Albert Wesker. " Chris said. The girl's eyes widened in fear and horror, immediately started checking for scars and marks on Chris. She pestered him with concerning questions to see if her was alright, and he kept reassuring her that he was.

" Hmm, Okay.... Then again, you guys look really cozy there hehe~ " Claire teased. Chris' whole face burned into a tomato red and lightly punched her in the shoulder.

" Shut up! " Chris snapped, making Claire roll her eyes while a smile was still plastered on her face. Both of the Redfield siblings sat down on the couch together and looked at their friends' social media.

" Wow, look at the caption for you and Albert's photo, it's #RelationshipGoals. " Claire snickered, clearly mentioning the said photo from awhile ago. Chris also snickered and looked at Leon's profile for more pics. He saw a selfie of him having a 'try hard cute' while the background being his friends sleeping with the caption being, Me and my bros😎, making him giggle. He looked at Claire, noticing how her face was completely beet red and knew what she was looking at.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now