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Fast forward to a few weeks later, Chris and Albert were as close as ever before. Well that's because they really enjoyed each other's company and such. Now that Albert was free from his abusive mother, he turned a bit more nicer to his peers than before, but still kept his calm demeanour. Chris liked this new attitude he had. They were in their AP class with Sir Barry Burton, and he had announced that their first quarter exams were coming up so he told them to copy the pointers down.

" OMIGOSH I HATE EXAMS!! " Logan yelled out but still kept writing down. Everyone laughed at his scream of terror while Sir Barry smiled.

" Well they just last for two days, not like other schools who have it for a whole week. " Alfred retorted, rolling his eyes before continuing to read his beloved book after he had finished copying than the rest.

" You're just saying that 'cuz you're smart. " muttered Logan bitterly, imitating a bratty and childish voice. The Ashford scoffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes again. 'I really hate him' he said in his mind.

" Maybe if you studied harder, you would actually stop complaining about it. " Albert muttered through gritted teeth. They haven't noticed that Sir Barry had left them all alone, leaving the class to deal with the bantering of Logan and Alfred.

" Well at least I have many talents unlike you. " Logan proudly confirmed. Alfred snickered and added.

" Oh yes, the extraordinary talent of being a complete idiot. " The people made 'oooooh' sounds because they were somewhat hurt for Logan. Alfred stayed there on his seat, grinning at the look of Villanueva's face who appeared to be as though he were trying not to be affected by his comeback.

" Cat got your tongue? " Ashford smirked. Logan crossed his arms and huffed, mumbling something.

" At least I'm not a lonely edge lord who spends all his time alone with no friends. " Ashford seemed to have heard him, because he answered back with a hint of sass in his voice.

" Correction, I DO have friends, you egotistical ferret. " Logan glared at him, and then, they all sighed as they watched their two classmates banter and argue over a simple matter that turned into something big. They could've been yelling at each other for at least more than ten minutes until one of Alfred's friends, Neil, stepped in between them while holding his arms out.

" Guys. " He looked at each of them with a stern look.

" Stop. Arguing. " He finished, before pushing them back down their seats. They still gave each other glares and looks but didn't make any noise after that. Chris watched those two with worry and concern because he didn't like it when some of his peers would get into fights with one another.

" Finally, you guys were so noisy. " Arturo exhaled in relief, stretching his arms up.

" Look who's talkin'. " Alfred scoffed, rollinghis eyes and continued reading his book.

" Guys, please don't start again. " Chris begged, feeling uncomfortable. They listened to his words and stopped, but just gave each other dirty looks. After that was over, Sir Burton came back and ended the class for lunch time. As usual, Chris and his friends sat down on their usual spot. Wesker would always jump to the chance of sitting right next to his crush.

" Man, that argument back there was tense... " Piers commented, rubbing his arm up and down as though he were feeling uneasy. Then he looked at them and asked.

" Why did they even argue in the first place? " Leon was the one who explained everything to him, saying that they're just like that and he shouldn't mind them that much. William giggled though, finding that whole situation highly amusing.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now