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After their lovely vacation of sorts was over, it was now time to go back to school and learn again. Which made people groan in agony from the thought of school alone. Chris was exceptionally excited to go back and learn more about everything. As usual like the good little boy that he is, he was very early.

" Hello Redfield. " Alfred greeted him absentmindedly, not looking from his book like always. Chris smiled and waved back at him, even though he couldn't see him. He made his way to his chair and happily sat down.

" Ah, feels good to be back even though I enjoyed that vacation. " Chris muttered to himself. The door opened to reveal that Logan had just came in. He had a sour look plastered on his face as he stomped toward his chair, mumbling incoherent noises and sentences. Alfred this time, looked up from his reading material and grinned.

" Had a fun time during vacation, Villanueva? " Alfred snickered. Logan glared at the Ashford while he sat there, snickering. Those two really hated each other very much that they would fight every five minutes throughout their life.

" Does it look like I had a fun time? " Logan snapped, rolling his eyes as he slumped back in his chair with his arms crossed.

" Why yes, I think it does. " Alfred said. And then the usual business came along, they started to argue and scream at each other about the littlest things while everyone watched Chris attempt to make peace between them.

" Hey guys, why don't you stop arguing and just get along? " Chris asked, pushing them apart as the two looked liked they were going to have a fist fight.

" I would get along with him, if he weren't so cocky all the time. " Alfred hissed while eyeing down Logan and arms crossed. Logan did the same for Alfred by glaring at him as well.

" We would be friends if HE would stop messing his elegant little ass on me! " Logan retorted back and the two were stuck glaring at each other as daring the other one to do their worst.

" Here we go again. " Leon face palmed himself, fully aware of what was to come between his two classmates that were arguing for something so small. After Chris had finally managed to calm them down, he went back to his chair and face palmed as well. Although the two weren't physically fighting, they were just glaring daggers at each other from across their seats.

Albert and William soon arrived inside the classroom to see Alfred and Logan have a glaring contest or something. They both looked at each other, confused and raised an eyebrow as they both sat down on their seats. The class soon forgot all about the situation and made their signature noise again.

Their first class, which was English, rolled around after some time, and they learned and learned about the topics for their second quarter. And they also received their test results back after the lesson. Some cries or joy were from the students who passed while cries of sadness were from the failures that didn't pass the passing mark which was forty seven.

Albert, Chris and all of the highly intelligent ones in the class all got their perfect scores as usual which didn't surprise them as much. Logan unfortunately still failed because he had the unlucky score of thirty eight. He groaned in dissatisfaction because he was so determined that he wouldn't fail until he saw his score.

When their English class was finished, they were now dismissed to their next class, which was Filipino. They waited for their next teacher to arrive and give them their papers back.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now