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Oh god it's Sunday, and the next day was Chris Redfield's exams. Well even though he had superior intelligence, he was still paranoid of failing it. So the first thing he did when he woke up from his slumber was grabbing the nearest school book he could find and started reading it, for at least one hour while leaning on his bed frame. And then a light knock was heard from his door.

" Come in. " Chris said, not taking his eyes away from his book because he already knew it was Claire since they were literally the only one in their apartment home.

" I made you some pancakes. Also we have work today so uh... " Claire's voice reminded him, placing down his plate of food next to him on his bedside table and then proceeded to exit out of his room. She was right though, they both did have work so they could earn something ever since their parents perished from existence.

He stopped and put the book down, grabbing the plate of pancakes and started eating it. He was now in a better mood now that his stomach was full of deliciousness. He put the plate in the sink and washed it and after that, he proceeded to take a shower and change into his work clothes. And his work was a janitor.

They waved goodbye at each other and walked to their designated workplaces. Claire was a McDonald's worker, and it was quite far so she called a taxi to take her there while all Chris had to do was walk. When he stopped at the entrance, he entered the building, went inside the storage closet and used the elevator to get to his designated floor to clean on.

" As usual, no one's here. " Chris sighed to himself. Well, he didn't really mind since he liked working alone in either solitude or listening to his favourite songs with the use of his phone. There seems to be a vomit at some place in the room, and it was highly and ungodly disgusting that he choked on himself.

" Eww, Okay, I better clean this. " Chris rushed to clean up this horrific mess. When he did, he got bored of the silent and dead air and decided to listen to the Backstreet Boys instead, preferably the song 'Quit Playing Games with my Heart'. The song echoed throughout the vast empty room as he slightly sang and danced along the lyrics.

" Quit playing games with my heart. " He sang, continuing.

" With my heart, with my heart. " He didn't notice that he had cleaned the entire room all by himself all because of him enjoying his jam session with his favourite band. Even he was surprised by himself, his brown eyes wide with surprise.

" Woah. " He said. And then he exited out of the room to clean the second one, which was downstairs by one floor. He went inside the room. Inside were a bunch of party streamers and confetti all trashed on the tables and floor. The food, which consisted of cake, spaghetti and drinks, were either spilled or thrown everywhere.

" This must've been a wild party. " He commented on the area, and started to sweep up the pieces of confetti and streamers with his broom. Then he mopped the messy leftovers of the food. After all that cleaning, he organised the furniture and admired his work proudly. The third one was not that messy as he expected it to be.

He had an easier time than the rest of the other rooms and after that, he was given his pay check that was left on the first floor, returned the cleaning materials and exited the quiet building to head home and start studying once more. It was a normal day, with a few clouds or so. When he arrived home, he discovered that Claire was not home yet so he changed his clothes and lied down on his bed to read his school books.

Meanwhile with Albert Wesker, he had been studying for five hours straight with absolutely no rest whatsoever. Often, his servants would knock on his door to tell him to eat but he always declined the offer and continued. Even though he liked Chris, he was still a bit competitive when it came to academics though.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now