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" Well done Wesker, you really messed up with him. " Wesker miserably 'congratulated' himself from the events of yesterday. He attempted to make amends with Chris numerous times today but they all failed because the brunette's friends would push him away or he would push him. Now the boys were in Math class, having fun as usual. Except for Chris.

" Uy Redfield, anong problema mo jan? " Asked the Math professor who noticed how Chris wasn't his usual self. Actually, everyone also noticed how Chris didn't look normal. The optimistic aura he always gave off didn't show because they could feel something else. Chris' smiles now seemed to look hollow and fake and he stayed silent instead of joining in with the crowd.

" Wala! " Chris lied, smiling to make his peers bellies he was okay. His professor believed him and continued on lecturing while dead air slowly consumed them since nobody attempted to crack up jokes since their intelligent and beloved Chris was off today. Some people glared at Wesker because they already knew he would have been involved in something like this.

Those didn't bother him since he never cared about his classmates but he only cared about the way Chris started acting around him. Glaring, shoving him away and shouting hurtful words when he tried to apologise. At first it didn't hurt him, until it slowly ate up his heart. 'Monster! Psychopath! You're such a liar! '. And then, his dark and demonic heart was crushed into a million pieces by words that he never wanted to be.

" I hate that guy." Chris said to Piers and Leon during recess after Math.

" Worst guy I've ever met. " Leon shared while munching on his cuapao. Meanwhile Wesker and Birkin ate in their usual isolated spot from everyone else.

" You good? " Birkin asked, his eyes full of worry.

" Most definitely. " Wesker lied, then went back to thinking about all his actions throughout the years. Those awful and inhuman treatment he gave to everyone that he knew. But for some reason, William still stuck up and stayed by his side until the end. Okay now he's feeling something that was called, guilt.

" Albert, you're definitely not okay. What's wrong? " Birkin said. Wesker tried denying it to him but he would not accept it.

" Okay, I just..... feel guilty about what I did. And I don't know how to deal with it because he wouldn't speak to me every time I try to apologise. " Albert finally confessed his feelings out of his chest.

" Well, it's normal to feel guilty. But why did you do that in the first place? " William asked. Albert hesitated for a moment before he spoke.

" I think it was either from my family, specifically my mother and younger sister Alex. " Albert answered. William sneered in disgust at the mention of Alex's name.

" Oh, well that explains a lot. " William said, a hint of malice in his voice.

" Well yea, usually children can get influenced from their parents and try to follow their ways. Even if they see them hurting people. I guess Alex followed her so much that she eventually became like my mother. " Albert explained, laughing.

" But they also told me to act like them. " Albert finished, shivering at the thought.

" Maybe I can try to help you with Chris. " William suggested. Albert's eyes quickly averted to meet William's out of mere excitement and shock from this suggestion.

" You'll help me? " Albert asked. William nodded, implying that he will assist him.

" Yea, you are my best friend after all. " William answered. Albert smiled, this time it was a sincere one than the cold and sadistic ones he usually gives when he manipulated people.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now