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The next day after the exams, they were all chattering with one another inside the classroom. Chris, Leon and Piers were conversing about whatever fandom that they were currently in to. Meanwhile Albert was busy helping William doing something for his club, which was making an essay of sorts and Luis and Arturo were goofing around and amusing themselves.

It was quite noisy in the room, because people were yelling loudly and round housing with each other. The time right now was before classes, specifically at the estimated time of 7:04am in the morning.

" I was really sad when Tony died in Endgame. " Piers said miserably.

" Yea I know right, now the Avengers are over for good. " Leon chimed in while Chris nodded in agreement. They continued talking about the Marvel franchise and about the movies. They were all so loud that they didn't know that the door opened to reveal their first subject teacher, which was Science.

" Good morning class. " Their teacher said, while adjusting his glasses. They all stood and did the usual greeting. They sat back down and the teacher was going to give them their exam results back. Everyone shifted and lightly shook nervously in their seats as they waited to see if they passed or not.

" Sir, ano passing score? " Villanueva asked, raising his hand.

" Thirty seven. " He answered, and called the first person.

" Alfred Ashford. " The Science teacher called out. Ashford stood up and walked over to the teacher's desk to grab the papers. When done, he sat back down.

" He's going to pass this. " Logan said. He was right, Alfred as usual got a fifty over fifty on his test just like all those years that he had been studying in his whole life.

" Zane Abara. " The second person was called, and stood there was Zane, who was instantly at the front of the desk. That caused the teacher to jump and widen his eyes a bit.

" Woah, you scared me. " He commented. Zane offered his hand out, and he was given the papers back. He went back to his seat and saw his results, which were a forty seven over fifty. It was still pretty good since he passed the mark of the given passing score. After all the people with 'A's were finished, next we're the people with the letter 'B' in their names.

" Steve Burnside. " Steve stood up and got his papers. He immediately checked his score and sighed in relief.

" Yes! Barely made it! " Steve exclaimed with joy, as he got a thirty seven over fifty. Soon the papers were all passed to the students and they all had either happy or sad results. Chris, Albert and William got the highest score as usual, Leon and Piers had about forty one to five scores and unfortunately Arturo had thirty six. Which means, he didn't pass.

" Ugh, one point nalang! " De Leon complained, his fists clenching. Everyone laughed not to make fun of him, but at the way he acted when he found out the results.

" Chris, you're so lucky you got a high score. " The Filipino said to him.

" It's nothing, I just studied. That's all. " Chris said.

" Yea, unlike me, I got lower than you. A TWENTY NINE!! " Villanueva screamed in terror, showing him the paper and pointing at the numbers that labelled twenty nine. Ashford snickered at his failure, making Logan glare at him.

" What's funny? " Logan growled. Alfred rolled his eyes and grinned.

" It's funny you were so confident that you were going to pass, but you didn't. " Ashford said, grin still plastered on his face. The arrogant boy scoffed and huffed.

" Shut up. " He muttered. So after all their papers were given back to them, they now proceeded to the lesson. Their second quarter lesson. Chris payed utmost attention to the lesson that the teacher was teaching them while the others were bored and decided to sleep. Chris looked around and saw his sleeping peers. 'Great, nobody wants to pay attention' He thought.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now