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" OMIGOSH GUYS ITS FRRIIIIIDDDAAY!!! " Arturo hollered throughout the whole room in excitement. All the men in the room laughed at their Filipino classmate's silliness being shown. Chris and his friends even joined in with their happiness by clapping out loud. The room's atmosphere changed from sleepy and boring, to bright and cheerful after what Arturo did.

" Ano ba? Everyone knows it's Friday!! " Chris joked back to Arturo. The laughter died down and became calmer, leaving Chris and his friends happily chatting with Arturo about what they're going to be doing for this lovely weekend. They found out that Arturo was going out with his girlfriend to BGC, Bonifacio Global City later this evening.

" He has a girlfriend?! " Piers exclaimed in surprise, his mouth agape at this brand new information that had been shared with him. Arturo giggled and shook his head, signifying that he confirmed it.

" Yea, they've been dating for four years now. " Leon explained to Piers. Meanwhile with Wesker and Birkin, they were beyond irritated at the holler of excitement from Arturo. 'We already know it's Friday, what's the point in screaming it out again?' Birkin thought sarcastically as usual like his demeanour. It also interrupted their peaceful reading session they were nicely having.

" That little Filipino turd interrupted everything! " Wesker exclaimed in fury, huffing and sighing loudly.

" Hey Dela Cruz, everyone knows its a weekend so you don't need to shout it out to everyone!! Geez! " Wesker screamed at Chris and the gang. Arturo smiled in a goofy manner and shrugged.

" Why? What if everyone forgot that it's a weekend? " Leon retorted back at the platinum blonde, smiling at the sight of his face twisting in anger. He observed that Wesker was about to stand up and put up a fight, but his best friend pulled him back down to avoid any further chaos from ensuing in the room. He sat back down and huffed, upset that he couldn't land a punch on Leon.

" What's his problem with us? We didn't even do anything. " Piers questioned. Leon and Chris shrugged for an answer.

" Maybe because Wesker doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself. " Chris thought. Leon and Piers looked away to think about what he said, and it made sense to them.

" You're right, of course he would be this arrogant. " Leon said. Chris shrugged, their conversation was now interrupted with the arrival of their first period teacher. The students dashed to their seats to greet the professor's presence and begin their lesson at once. It was the usual discussion of a certain topic in Science that they were partaking at this particular morning.

Next was their second subject, which was Math, taught by their bright and enthusiastic professor who loved to goof off with his students from time to time. It wasn't the usual cheerful tone today, but rather, it had been clearly toned down and it just felt as if it was any ordinary class that they were learning everyday of the week. It surprised others who were used to the positive and comedic atmosphere that the class would always portray. But it relieved Albert, who highly disliked the noise that came from the happiness of the class during this subject.

Recess rolled around in a jiffy, and the students happily rushed to the door outside for this time. Even though Chris genuinely loved learning, he really wanted that class to end since he had forgotten to eat breakfast some time ago in his home. They were one of the first to rush out of the door outside out of hunger.

" Even though I just ate a sandwich this morning, I'm still hungry! " Piers exclaimed, rubbing his stomach. They walked to the crowded cafeteria to buy their food. It was rather difficult though, as they had been bumped and stepped on from time to time. After that difficult time, the trio managed to quickly walk out to the outside, which had more space for the vast population. Meanwhile for Albert and William, unfortunately they had been caught with the crowded part of the place.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now