Twenty Three

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It was seven in the morning, and it was very early because most of the class' population wasn't here yet. Except for the five friends of Chris, who were busy sitting in an isolated corner of the room, chattering and sharing their thoughts on what could've happened to their friend because they wanted justice for Redfield, I think...

Even though they were literally, the ONLY ones in the entire classroom, they still chattered in the lowest voices they could muster so nobody who came in could hear their private conversation about it. And it seems that Birkin had some thoughts that he wanted to share with everyone.

" Chris is an enviable student here, but I don't think anyone would go as far as to do that. " The sandy blonde said, tapping his chin with his finger as to show everyone what he was thinking.

" Even that ignorant little cretin named Logan wouldn't even commit such an unholy act to our star student. " Wesker chimed in through the chatter.

" Calling him a 'star student' eh? " Arturo teasingly asked him with a sly grin. Wesker shot him a look that made the Filipino keep his mouth shut for a while.

" What? It's true! " Wesker clapped back at Arturo. The Filipino snickered before they got serious again and continued on the topic because they wanted justice for their friend Chris, I think. Slowly, the room became more and more populated and noisy in the room until the five friends had no time to chatter because it was now time for class time.

With the first subject being Art, everyone fumbled for their tools and supplies in their bags before heading out to the Art room. After everyone had arrived in the Art room, they waited for their professor's instructions but everyone was surprised at what they heard. He told them to draw a piece for Christmas.

Everyone must've been so caught up with their projects, lessons, and exams that they probably and most likely forgot about the months that were passing by. Well, they asked for the date, and it was December 14. The Art professor stifled a giggle at his students' surprised looks.

" Wow, time flies by, doesn't it?... " Logan said with a goofy grin while trailing off. Alfred gave a slight smile and nodded in agreement before focusing back to his work.

" Our work is probably going to look bad except for Jel's. " Leon commented. Jel blushed in embarrassment from the compliment and avoided eye contact.

" Yea, I can't even draw a tree right. " added Piers grimly, eyeing his drawing of what seemed to be an attempt at drawing a decent looking Christmas tree. They all continued drawing for some time before Logan raised his hand up to ask the man in front a question.

" Sir, are mistletoes allowed? " He asked with pride and flashed his signature grin. Everyone looked at him in shock and confusion, but they all stifled a giggle. And unfortunately for him, the professor told them all that it wasn't allowed, which made Logan slump back in his chair and cross his arms like a child complaining.

" Let me guess, you're going to 'draw' my sister, Alexia and you, kissing under a mistletoe aren't you? " Alfred asked in a suspicious tone of voice while pointing a finger at the boy. Logan stifled a giggle and nodded which caused him to get aggravated and scoff. They stopped their bantering and after some time, the man wanted their drawings now.

Some of the nervously gave him their drawings, afraid that it might look awful and such. When they were finished, they were all dismissed for their next class which was Filipino. But Wesker stopped to ask a question.

" Sir, Chris didn't get to make an artwork. What should he do? " He asked.

" Just tell him to draw something and give it to me tomorrow. " He replied, and that was a good enough answer for Wesker because he left alongside his classmates. When they arrived inside the classroom, they already saw the professor already seated on the teacher's desk, fixing his papers.

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