Nine: Part Two

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" Alright class, in fifteen minutes we will be stopping at a gas station for a quick five minute bathroom break. " Sir Barry Burton announced to the all of the boys, specifically to the ones who are awake. And about fifteen minutes later, the bus pulled over at a gas station. It also appears to be that the buses of the other classes were all parked as well.

When they stopped, not a lot of their class got off the bus and used the bathroom. In fact, it seemed that only ten people had gotten off. Since they were right next to a bus who had their other friends coincidentally inside that bus, some of them all crowded amongst the right side of the bus and waved. The people inside saw and instinctively and enthusiastically waved back at them.

The ten people eventually came back and also joined in waving at their friends on the other bus. After that, the buses all slowly started to move and then, they drove away. Chris did not avert his eyes away from another Backstreet Boys concert video he saved from his phone and he certainly did not lean away from Wesker. But it didn't bother the blonde and he felt warm.

" Ey bros why don't we sing somethin'? " a classmate named Gabriel's Chavez said in his usual brute voice. Pedro and Edward thought it was a good idea, and the only one left now was Billy, who had been gazing out the window the entirety of the trip. He sensed that they were asking him so he nodded.

" Wait a minute, GUYS WHO WANTS TO SING WITH US??? " Pedro yelled out to the whole bus. Well he didn't need to worry since everyone was already awake from napping for that long. And they happily complied to the idea of singing horribly to a bunch of songs they all know and love.

" Please don't make Chavez sing. " Wesker groaned under his breath, indicating that he did not want to hear his voice.

" Why don't we sing 'Sa Ilalim ng Puting Ilaw' by Juan Karlos? " Arturo suggested. And then, the singing begun. They were all horrible singers except for Arturo, but they couldn't hear his voice since just as mentioned before, everyone was a horrible singer. So the boys were basically screaming the lyrics out of tune. And then...

" SA ILALIM NG PUTING ILAW!! " Leon sang his heart out. Everyone was speechless for a moment at this sudden voice who sang. Leon blushed from all the eyes on him and shrunk in his seat.

" I thought you didn't understand Tagalog. " Chris said. Leon shrugged and explained why he knew the lyrics to a song that was a different language.

" Well I kept hearing everyone sing it so I searched it up and listened to it, and it sounded good. " Chris and Arturo suddenly had a thought up in their heads. What if he sang this to Claire? They smirked at each other and snickered.

" Ooooh why don't you sing it to Claaaiire?? " Arturo teased, wiggling his eyebrows up and down to emphasise his point even more. Leon blushed and scolded them because they all knew he had a bit of a huge crush on Claire Redfield, the younger sister of his best friend Chris Redfield. Everyone in the bus also started making 'oooooh' sounds as well.

" May I watch it as well? " Albert asked Chris to watch the Backstreet Boys concert as well. Chris nodded and leaned on him for him to have access. Albert smiled because they were now finally bonding as friends, possibly even more.

" I want it that way! " Both Chris and Albert sung while watching the video. Since the bus was now silent, they heard the two and smiled at them because they seemed to be happy and that Chris must've forgiven him already.

" Aww! So cute! " Piers squealed at the sight of them. Leon and William nodded and watched them sing. After some time later, the surroundings in the area outside began to change. They were no longer in the plains and farmlands of Batangas because the bus was now moving up high on the mountains to where the Caleruega Church was located.

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