Four: Part 2

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The pair aimlessly wandered around the area in an attempt to look for their friends who must be tired of waiting for them. Chris and Claire even peered around their surroundings, thinking that they must be casually sitting down on a table of a cafe or something. Claire even dishes out her phone out of her bag and texted Arturo. Even tried calling him.

" Uh... Hello? " Claire said. Chris took this as a sign that he had now answered her call.

" Wait, I can't hear you. " Chris listened to every word of that conversation she had with Arturo.

" Okay, just hang in there, I'll be back soon. " The girl placed her phone back in her small bag and looked at Chris.

" So where are they? " Chris asked.

" They're by the carousel. " Claire replied, taking a hold of his arm and lead him the way. Chris had a hard time keeping up her pace so he gently moved away from her, and followed her by attempting to quicken his walking speed. In the distance, he could almost see their silhouettes waving in the distance. He waved back at them.

" Hey guys! " Chris cheered, hugging his two best friends from behind while laughing with enjoyment.

" Haha hey dude! " Leon greeted back. The blonde stopped laughing when he took a glance at Claire Redfield, he felt himself blush.

" Hey, um.. who's that? " Leon whispered to Chris, pointing at Claire.

" Oh, that's my younger sister Claire. " Chris casually replied, then he glanced at Leon and saw that his pale white cheeks were dusted on a light pink, and he took this as a sign that Chris liked Claire the moment she saw her.

" Why do you ask? " Chris teased. Leon's blush darkened, except he could barely see it because of the night sky with the only illuminated source above them were coming from the street lights coloured orange.

" N-Nothing!.. I just didn't know,.... w-who she was! " Leon stammered looked away out of shame but Chris being the good friend that he is, reassuringly pat his back.

" Eh it's ok, I'll help you be friends with her... Or maybe even more~ " Chris said the last part in a teasing manner, which made Leon's already pink tinged face erupt into a crimson red from embarrassment.

" Okay okay calm down. " Chris raised his arms defensively.

" Ooo, Leon's got a crush! Leon's got a crush! " Piers chanted, and Leon chased him until they stopped running due to exhaustion. Chris walked to Claire, who was conversing with Arturo and his girlfriend.

" Hey Claire, this is Arturo's girlfriend Arusha Cage— " He was cut off by Claire explaining.

" Oh she's my classmate so I know her. " Chris silenced himself and walked away, until Nivans and Kennedy joined them.

" Hey why are we just standing here? What if someone kidnaps us?? " Piers asked, shifting uncomfortably at the thought of being kidnapped. Leon reassured him and he felt better. All together, they walked to the restaurant known as Mary Grace Cafe while they laughed along with each other's jokes and such.

" Hey Claire uh... Hi, I'm Leon. " Leon awkwardly swallowed the lump in his throat and introduced himself, reaching his hand out. Claire smiled and also introduced herself.

" Claire- Claire Redfield. " She shook his hand. Behind the two were Chris and Piers, who were proudly grinning at their friend for possibly going to find his true love.

" They make a great couple! " Piers exclaimed in delight.

" Definitely. " Chris agreed as they continued to observe them. Moments later, they came to a halt outside of a building.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now