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Beep, beep, beep. The alarm echoed throughout the room, ringing profusely. Chris groaned as his hand fumble to turn off the alarm that had woken him up at the time of 5:30am. After turning it off, he continued his slumber until his second alarm that had the time of 9:30am, rang again once more. Again, Chris fumbled for the alarm clock but this time he had awoken from his slumber.

He yawned, stretching his arms and sighed happily since today is a Saturday. Getting of his bed, he walked to his bathroom to cleanse himself and his breath. The shower felt nice and warm, and he changed into some fresh new clothes. After freshening up a bit, he walked out of his room to see Claire on the kitchen table, having a drink.

" Good morning sis. " Chris greeted. Claire gave him a simple wave and continued drinking while staring off into space at a wall. Chris walked to the fridge to pull out ingredients to concoct a simple sandwich. After making his sandwich, he sat down on one of the chairs of the table and began eating his newly made breakfast. At first silence filled the air, aside from the sounds of chewing and drinking until Chris brought up a fact about a police station he found somewhere.

" The police station was a museum? " Claire questioned. Chris nodded, confirming it.

" One of the professors in school told us. " Chris explained. After the small chit chat, there was silence yet again once more. Until Claire stood up to place her cup in the sink.

" I'm gonna go shower. Talk to you later. " Claire said, and left the dining area and to her room. Chris also stood up to wash the dishes in the sink and went back in his room to relax for a bit. The brunette had nothing to do at the moment and so he decided to check out his social media platforms. Until when it came to checking Facebook, he saw a friend request pop up.

'Who could this be?' He questioned suspiciously in his mind. He tapped it and saw someone that his mind could not comprehend. Albert Wesker had a Facebook.

" He has, a Facebook?!! " Chris exclaimed in shock. He clicked on his profile and it turned out to be a private account so he reluctantly accepted his friend request. He could finally have a peek at his profile, and so he did. Albert posts rather... peculiar things, to be precise. Such as a four minute video of rain and a video dedicated to reading a full length storybook.

" I think I can imagine him being into this. " Chris said, while he kept scrolling down all the way to his previous posts. There were a few death metal songs that were posted on it, and Chris could definitely think that he would be into this genre of music. Until he saw his other previous posts. Pictures of Albert Wesker with different girls slowly began appearing.

" Woah, I didn't think he would be into dating. Oh wait, he was sort of a playboy. " Chris kept on talking to himself as he went through the list of posts. A girl named Excella Gionne was the most prominent girl who drowned out all the pictures of his previous girlfriends. She was beautiful, to say the least.

Her hair was long and black as ivory. As for her eyes, the gold colour shone like an expensive piece of jewellery. The skin was a fair olive, almost reminiscent of what an Italian would look like. Her lips were pink and glossy that looked well kept, or kissable if you can call it that. He stopped looking at his profile to take a break for a moment.

" It's 11:07am now. " Chris muttered under his breath, and made his way out of his room to make some lunch but he saw Claire seemingly concocting something, making Chris activate his curiosity.

" What're you making? " asked Chris, peering over Claire's shoulder easily since he was taller than her.

" Lunch. " Claire simply answered while frying with a pan.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now