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The day after that wonderful time with his curls named Albert Wesker, Chris was on his bed sleeping in until it was about one in the afternoon. Claire was already awake, because she was in her room, reading a book while listening to some chill music after she had already eaten lunch. She must've thought Chris wake up after hearing a sound of a door opening outside.

Then she heard him shuffling something around in the kitchen and turned on the stove to start cooking something. Chris' phone began ringing, so he left the stove and picked up his phone that he had left inside his room. He looked at the caller ID, it was Claire. He raised an eyebrow as to why she wouldn't even bother going outside and communicating to him in real life. But he just picked it up and answered.

" Hello, welcome to Jolibee, how may I help you? " Chris joked, while he walked outside and went to the stove to see how his food was holding up. It was pretty fine, at least it didn't burn though.

" Haha very funny Chris. " Claire laughed at the other end of the line.

" So anyway, why did you call meh? " Chris asked.

" Nothin', just wanted to. " Claire answered. Chris sighed and they both talked for a while until they hung up after five minutes. Chris' food was done cooking so he got some rice on a plate and started eating his lunch on the table alone. After he was finished and washed the dirty plate and utensils, he went back inside his room to shower.

" Ahh, so good. " Chris sighed in relief as the water washed over his head while he took a bath. When he finished, he wrapped a towel on his waist and went outside to put on some clothes. The boy put on a plain white shirt with brown khaki shorts for his bottom and then, he jumped on his bed. He then played some games on Roblox using his laptop.

" This is fun. " Chris remarked, after he shot some zombies in some shooting game he was playing and then he stopped to avoid being blind from excessive use of the gadgets. Chris looked out his window, the weather was pretty fair. There were no signs of the sun out and the clouds were just up there in the blue sky. Suddenly Claire opened the door without knocking.

" Hey bro, wanna go down the bay and watch the sea or somethin'? " She asked. Chris thought for a moment, he was stuck between staying home or going out. Then he declined, saying that they could go out later.

" Maybe later, I'll invite some of my friends, even Leon~ " Chris said, emphasising the name of Leon teasingly since he knew she had a little crush on his best friend. Claire blushed lightly before she closed the door without a word, probably embarrassed. Chris chuckled and continued using his phone to spend his leisure time on.

When he grew tired of using his phone, he resorted to the ancient method of entertainment, reading. He pulled out a random book under his bed and began reading. The book was about five hundred pages long, but he finished it in an hour and so he grabbed a random Geronimo Stilton book and read it.

After read basically half of his whole collection of the Geronimo Stilton books, he looked at his phone for the time and discovered that it was already five in the evening. He must've been reading for three hours straight. Chris wanted to spend time with his friends and maybe even hook up Claire and Leon together so he made a group chat on Messenger with his friends and Claire, and he asked them if they were available.

Sadly, Albert couldn't make it because he was doing something for his father but most of the people could make. Chris sighed in dissatisfaction after he learned that Albert couldn't make it, but he didn't let that bother him at least his best friends were coming. Now he looked at the group chat he created, to see the messages filled with Claire and Leon having a conversation.

Chris smiled affectionately while he watched the two future lovers have a lovely chat, unaware that he was watching them. What soon started out as a fun and joke-filled chat turned into them sending 'lovey dovey' messages at one another between the lines of 'you're cute' from Claire to Leon flirting by saying something like 'are you WiFi? Cuz I feel a connection between us'.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now