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" Okay class, now we will wait for the boys to arrive, so be on you best behaviour. " Their advisor named Kathy Burton instructed to the class of Claire Redfield.

" Yes ladies, don't be 'jowa-ing' with the boys. " A girl named Annette added after the instruction, causing everyone to giggle, even the teacher giggled.

" I can't wait to see Leon! " Claire exclaimed in excitement. Jill smirked, everyone also did. People started to know who this Leon that Claire was talking about, and they knew that she had a crush on him except she tried to deny it. They made 'oooh' sounds which made her blush.

" Shut up guys, he's just a friend! " Claire yelled. Jill nudged her shoulder while wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

" Sure he is~ " Jill teased.

" Would you really think he would like you? " Alexia Ashford asked in a mean way, while Alex Wesker snickered maliciously in the back. Their teacher named Kathy Burton gave Alexia the look, causing her the shut her mouth up but she glared at Claire.

Meanwhile switching back to Chris and the gang, they were all waiting in the classroom in order for them to go to St. Scho, which was right across them. The sky was just a bright white with no clouds and sun, probably because of the rain yesterday. Well, it looked liked it was going to rain at any moment.

The boys were chattering loudly with excitement because they would either meet their friends, siblings, or even their crushes~. Chris was chatting with Piers because some of their friends weren't here yet. Until he felt a hot breath blowing, tickling his sensitive little ears. He jumped and looked around to see their other friends standing there.

When they all sat down, they chattered for a while, until Sir Barry Burton walked inside the classroom and ordered everyone to line up. They all did while making so much noise out of happiness. Not until Chris shushed everyone up to avoid their teacher to get upset.

" Awww yeah!! I can't wait to meet some ladies~ " Logan said, adjusting his blouse and running a hand in his hair to smoothen it. Alfred Ashford, who heard him since Villanueva was very loud and in the very front of the line, rolled his eyes and sighed.

" Yea, I can't wait for them to slap you at just how ill-mannered you are. " Alfred added. Logan growled and rolled his eyes.

" Come on Ashford, don't be such a downer! A girl won't like someone like you. And FYI, I know a million ways on how to treat a girl right. " Logan retorted back. Alfred snickered.

" Your face doesn't look like it. " said Alfred.

" I HEARD THAT!!! " yelled Logan angrily in the back. Wesker, who was behind him, facepalmed himself and sighed out of annoyance that these two were most likely going to rip each other's throats again.

" Last time I saw you with a lady years ago, you gave her a carrot for a Christmas present and she slapped you. " said Neil Fisher, who was Alfred's friend. So the two were arguing at each other back and forth until Wesker and Redfield had enough of their antics.

" ASHFORD AND VILLANUEVA ENOUGH!! " Wesker snapped. The whole room was silent after he had yelled, which was awkward. Their advisor came back to them, and was surprised at how ghostly quiet they were. He now lead them outside, where they also saw their other friends who were lined up with their classes.

Chris waved at them but they didn't notice him because they were as equally noisy as them. Some of them were even partially sitting down on the floor because of standing too much.

" Ugh, why aren't we moving yet?? " Lance groaned in boredom, stomping his foot on the ground. One of their classmates named Alexander Lennox, lightly kicked him in the leg as a sign of him to be quiet.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now