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The second and the last day of exams rolled around. Everyone was still worried about failing this one but nonetheless, everyone was happy that these dreaded two days are over. Even Chris, who loved school, was glad that exams are over. In the classroom, the boys were noisily reviewing their subjects to avoid failing. This time, Chris, Albert and William brought some of their books to skim through the topics in the exams just incase.

" I hope I don't fail this one. " Leon said hopefully while reading his notebook.

" Why don't you think about your jowa named Claire? " Chris teased him by nudging him on the shoulder. Leon's pale white face tinted a light pink and covered his face.

" She's not my girlfriend! " Kennedy gritted his teeth while glaring at Redfield, who sat there with a grin on his face.

" Yeaaa right. " William said sarcastically. The others giggled while Leon's now pink-tinted face gradually turned darker than before.

" Shut up! " The dirty blonde haired snapped and continued reading his book, trying to concentrate. When the teasing died down, it was now replaced with silence from the whole group as they tried to study harder. Everyone in the class also stopped being noisy and such as well, instead they studied quietly and peacefully.

It wasn't long because at about ten minutes, the proctor of their first exam came in the room carrying the papers. Everyone whined  and complained but they didn't make a fuss and just obeyed the rules of taking the exams by putting away their reviewers and sitting down on their respective chairs. No words were spoken as they had immediately began when the proctor handed them the papers.

This one was a bit difficult, even for the highly intelligent ones. Chris was still stuck on one of the questions so he decided to go to the next ones, which were a lot easier for him before he came back for that question. Albert though, didn't find any of these difficult and aced through the whole thing for five minutes or so.

When the platinum blonde had finished, he decided to spend his leisure time observing his friends, especially Chris Redfield who appears to be that he was having such a difficult time. Wesker silently 'encouraged' him from afar by praying in his mind that he could answer it by staring intensely at the boy. Until his prayers were answered and he was now finished like him.

Surprisingly, they both saw that Piers was done like them because he was usually the fourth or the fifth one to finish, along with Leon. Chris was bored so he brought out one of his Geronimo Stilton books and started reading it. Albert curiously eyed the book that his little brownie was reading, and found it to be Geronimo Stilton. 'How nice' He thought, before averting his gaze elsewhere.

" Ten minutes left. " The proctor announced to everyone. Some of the boys who weren't finished yet shifted in their seats and started answering faster.

" Who are done? " The proctor asked them. At least most of them were done with it, and only three boys were as close to finishing their exams. When ten minutes had passed, they were now asked to pass their papers. Unfortunately, some of the boys left some of the questions in their papers blank but they didn't really care anymore. When they were all passed, everyone immediately made noise about how relieved they were that this was almost over.

" Thank goodness it's over! " William sighed in relief. Then he had just realised that it was ALMOST over.

" Well, almost. " He added with a chuckle. Albert wrapped an arm around his best friend like a friendly way.

" So William, how was the exam? " The platinum blonde asked Birkin. Well, he shouldn't really be asking because he had already guessed that it was fine for him because he's smart. And his guess was right.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now