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There was no school today, and the day tomorrow, and also the weekend, so everyone enjoyed it by laying around. Chris was especially in a good mood since he had time to rest his mind and body from work. Then he heard a buzzing noise on his phone which meant he had just received a message. He wondered who's message could that be, and was a bit surprised to see Wesker. He thought that he could be doing something, but he looked at the message anyway.

Albert Wesker: Where do you live?

Chris was puzzled and froze for a minute before he recovered. 'Why did he need my address?' He wondered, that's when he started imagining horrific scenarios in his head. He could maybe use it to exploit him, sell him, murder, steal or maybe even worse. So he typed back a question as to why he needed it.

Chris Redfield: Why do u need it? 🤨

Albert Wesker: I just want to bring you somewhere, that's all.

Chris Redfield: Right now?

Albert Wesker: Yes.

Chris Redfield: Well if you say that,
Chris Redfield: Then my address is xxxx xxx xxxx

Albert Wesker: Thank you, I will be there in a minute or so,
Albert Wesker: Better go and change.

Chris Redfield: where exactly r we going?

Albert Wesker: Tagaytay. Taal Vista Hotel.

Chris' face lit up with excitement, so he hurriedly showered himself to feel fresh and changed into some presentable clothing. Then he went outside his room and sat down on the couch and waited for him. While that, he also sent Claire a message as to where he would be heading off just incase she worried about where he was.

 While that, he also sent Claire a message as to where he would be heading off just incase she worried about where he was

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Chris Redfield's outfit

He waited for a while. Until an unexpected surprise had shown up through their front door, catching the brunette by surprise that he almost fell off the couch. Albert Wesker had barged in the door. Chris' eyes widened and raised an eyebrow. He wondered how he managed to find his apartment number, and as if the blonde could read his mind, he smirked and chuckled.

" I have my ways. " He simply said. He saw Wesker for the first time, in his casual clothing. His impeccable clothing, to say the least.

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Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now