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It was 1am in the morning, the sky outside was still dark but Chris had to wake up. Slowly and groggily, he stood up from his bed, stretched his limbs and walked into the bathroom. He turned on his shower to the setting of warm water and proceeded to clean himself for a few minutes. He then changed into his PE uniform when he was done and walked out of his room and into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Chris only turned on one light in the room since he hated having bright lights flashing before his eyes when he would wake up. Chris peered out the window and saw the streets were slightly empty, with only a few cars passing by. The brunette averted his eyes away from the window and made sandwiches, one for his breakfast and the rest are for the trip incase he felt hungry in the bus.

Grabbing his bag, jacket and cap, Chris exited out of the apartment and started walking in the dark road with the only source of light were the streetlights while eating his quick breakfast. After minutes of walking, he had reached the school. The lights inside illuminated the outside and he entered.

When he entered his classroom, he saw at least six to ten people inside who were either taking a nap, reading, writing or chatting with their friends if they weren't as tired as the others. He saw Albert on his desk, staring off into the distance at a blank wall. Chris walked over to his seat and he also drifted off into his thoughts.

" Hello Chris. " Albert greeted Chris. Chris lazily smiled and waved at him.

" Wow, I cant believe we have to wake up THIS early for a field trip. " Chris commented with amazement, the feeling of sleepiness no longer present and now he felt more awake.

" Well, it does make sense since we could be stuck in traffic and delay our schedule. And the destinations are quite far because the first one will take two hours. " Albert explained. Chris nodded in agreement and pulled out the circular which also had the trip schedule.

" And a lot of activities are going to happen. " Chris showed Albert the schedule then continued observing it.

" We are literally going to play games under the sun. " Chris said.

" We'll all probably burn alive. " Albert joked. They both laughed and chatted along until all their friends Leon, Piers, Arturo and William entered the room. Leon's eyes looked as though they were drooping due to sleepiness, even he couldn't walk that fast unlike the other three. He yawned and stretched as he waved at Chris and Albert before sitting down on his chair and slamming his head on the table.

" Man, 1am's a crazy time to make the students go to school for a field trip. " Arturo said, rubbing his eyes.

" Batangas takes two hours to get to and it'll take even more longer when it's traffic so we have to wake in this hour. " Chris explained. They killed time by talking about topics until William asked everyone a question. Leon eventually joined in after his little slumber.

" So, who're you guys going to be seated with? " William asked, smirking while eyeing Chris and Wesker who both blushed.

" W-why're you looking at us? " Chris exclaimed, although in his mind he already knew who he wanted to sit with during the bus journey. But he didn't want to admit it except, they already knew just from observing the expressions on his face. Leon and Arturo already knew what he was talking about except for the innocent Piers.

" Why're you all looking at them? " Piers asked. Leon put a hand on the boy's shoulder and explained to him what it meant.

" Isn't it obvious? They clearly want to sit with each other. " Piers finally understood what they meant and smiled at Chris and Albert.

" Kasi magjowa sila. " Arturo snickered. Chris heard what he said and playfully glared at Arturo.

" 'Di kaya! " Chris retorted back. Arturo mockingly rolled his eyes because he didn't believe him.

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now