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Sunday came around, and today is the day that Chris and Claire were going to work. How they earn money to pay for the bills of their apartment is that they walk people's dogs, babysit kids and janitors of high paid companies. They both get paid a high amount for their hard work, with the amounts ranging from 500Php-800Php in a day.

They showered themselves, wore their uniforms and ate their breakfast. Which were just two quick cheese sandwiches and coffee. It was good for them to fuel them for a while and they headed out the door to start their shifts. It was quite peaceful in theses mornings because everyone is relaxing comfortably in their homes.

" I'm so sleepy! " Claire and Chris complained as they walked to their places of work. Claire walked people's dogs while Chris was a janitor and he would clean when he was told through the PA system that was in his waiting area.

" Hello please clean the second floor thank you. " The PA system announced, and so Chris grabbed his cleaning equipment, and then stepped on the elevator to arrive on to the second floor. He arrived on the said floor, and unsurprisingly it was messy and unkept as usual. He started to water his mop and began cleaning the floor.

He cleaned the whole floor in silence by himself. And now, he was going to remove some of the stains that couldn't be cleared off from the mopping. Grabbing his spray container and sponge, he crouched and started to thoroughly rub the floor stains with the sponge. He began sweating from all this handwork.

" And now, the walls. " Chris said to himself. The walls were somehow splattered with a sort of substance that were various different colours. 'Maybe a spray paint party happened here' Chris thought. After cleaning and cleaning areas in the building for the whole day, his boss gave him his salary and then he left.

As he walked by the street, he passed by a food stand and bought some food for him and Claire if she wanted some. After he arrived outside, he unlocked the door and began doing his business such as changing clothes, washing clothes, etc. He heard the cream of the door to reveal Claire walking in.

" Hey sis, how's work? " Chris said, eating some of the food he bought from the food stand and offering some to Claire. But she declined the offer and walked into her room. She looked tired and worn out from her slightly tired eyes and crazy hair that was originally tied into a neat ponytail.

" Work's normal as usual. " Claire replied. Chris continued eating and after that, he washed his hands and sat down on the couch to relax. He greeted Albert with a text, not caring if he may be active of not.

" I'll just go on social media to see if anything's good. " Chris said, exiting out of Messenger and pressed the Instagram app. Average posts as usual and some pictures from last night.

" Oh look at that. It's from last night. " Chris commented, scrolling down even more countless pictures of celebrities he followed and some occasional ads about some product they want to advertise. Suddenly, a message from Albert Wesker popped up while he was looking at one picture from Leon's Instagram profile. Wesker messaged him a simple 'hello' as a greeting. So Chris answered him back with a greeting.

Albert Wesker: How was your day ?

Chris Redfield: Meh, normal. Just finished my shift today., hbu?

Albert Wesker: Pretty lovely.

Chris Redfield: Cool

Albert Wesker: Cool

Chris Redfield: Have you heard that the Backstreet Boys are coming here next october?

Albert Wesker x Christopher Redfield: Resident Evil Love Story Fanfiction???Where stories live. Discover now