Secrets get spilled

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What do I say?!... "Uhm well you see-" I'm cut off by Logan. "Don't you even try and lie to me J!" He tells me sternly. I nod slowly and exhale trying to calm my nerves. "Okay um, this is a long story so you better sit down for it. He nods and silently sits down on one of the kitchen chairs. I clear my throat and start. "So when I was younger I loved to dance, it was the one thing I was passionate about so my mother signed me up for ballet, I was 6 at the time. I had so much fun going to class making friends and all that stuff but then one day I was getting ready to leave for my classes and I started getting the taste of blood in my throat. I didn't know what it was at the time and i thought I probably just scraped my throat but then I started feeling like I was gonna throw up so I ran to the bathroom and bumped into my dad on the way and I soon found my self puking our blood in a toilet" he cringes but doesn't say anything letting me continue with my story.

"My parents thought it was best for me to go to a doctor because you know throwing up blood isn't exactly normal, so I was soon in a doctors office and they decided to run some tests on me and they found out I h-had l-leukemia" I start choking up and look up to see Logan looking at me with tears eyes, I soon find myself in a bear hug with Logan and he starts crying. I pull out of the hug to get a look at him. "Hey, don't cry Logie I'm gonna get better" I tell him trying to convince myself and him. He nods sadly and we soon hear little footsteps coming down the stairs. We both dry our eyes and plaster smiles on our faces as little Brandon comes running towards Logan and I.

"Jossy, Jossy! Logan said he was gonna play FIFA with me" he tells me excitedly. I smile at him happily and turn to look at Logan who looks at me with a smile "Come on bud, why don't you go get the controllers set up while I speak to your sister quickly" Logan tells him. He nods and runs up the stairs excitedly, we chuckle at his enthusiasm. Logan turn to me and sadness fills his aura. "J, even though I only met you a couple of hours ago I think of you as a little sister, your so strong and I don't wanna lose you" he tells me trying to hold in his tears.

I look up at him considering I'm quite a bit shorter than he is, "Logie, I'm not gonna go anywhere for a long time and I think of you as a big brother as well, I promise you I'm gonna get better" I tell him trying to hold my tears back as well. He embrace me in one of his famous bear hugs for what must feel like the 1000th time today. We hear the door open and voices approaching but we don't stop hugging. He's like the big brother I never had. The voices quite down and we eventually let go of each other. We find the Why don't We boys all looking at us confused. "What's happening here?" Daniel questions. "N-nothing, just getting a hug from my big brother is all." I tell them smiling at Logan. He smiles back " I love you little sis" he tells me. "I love you too" I say.

"Wait, I didn't know you two were related?!" Corbyn questions. I laugh slightly with Logan. "We're not related Corbs, Logie is just like the big brother figure I never had" I tell him. Soon his confused expression turns into a smile. "So are we gonna sit here and have a confession session like a bunch of girly girls or are we gonna hang our like we planned to" Zach says. "Hey! Thank you very much but I am a girl!" I tell him. He smiles sheepishly. "Sorry" he mumbles. I smile at him. "Let's gooo!" I yell excitedly. We all run up to the lounge we're Brandon was setting up the controllers.

He lets out a girlish scream when he sees all of us run into the room. We all stop and burst out laughing. "T-that was the f-funniest thing I-I've seen a-all year" I say in between my laughing spree. Brandon looks at all of us making fun of him and brings out that adorable little pout of his. I try to resist it but I can't, I end up sighing in defeat "I'm sorry bud" i tell him softly. He smile triumphantly and giggles at me

We all spend the rest of the afternoon playing video games and watching movies, Brandon fell asleep through the second movie so I tucked him into his new room while the boys and Logie cooed at how cute he was. I decided it was time for me to tell all the boys about my disease, I really couldn't keep it to myself any longer. I pause the TV and the boys and Logan all turn to look at me. I nod at Logan " Are you sure J?" Logan asks me. I smile about how caring he is of me "I'm sure Logie". The boys all look confused. "So, um guys I wasn't being extremely honest when I told you I was moving here, I actually moved here for my t-treatments" I tell them looking up to see their reactions. "Treatments?" Corbyn asks and the boys all soon nod trying to figure out what I'm talking about. "Well you see, I um have L-Leukemia" I say

Tears start forming in my eyes and soon all the boys excluding Logan since he already knew bombard me in another hug. "We love you Jocelyn and we are homered that you told us this" the boys all chorus. To be honest that was hella creepy. Logan looks at me "I'm proud of you J" he tells me. I smile at him. The boys all look at us shocked. "HE KNEW?!" Jack questions. "Um yeah, that's why we we hugging in the kitchen" I tell them. We all then resume the movie and half way through it Zachs head falls on my shoulder and Corbyn is already lying with his head on my lap. He looks so cute I say in my head to Corbyns sleeping figure wait, what the hell, I just met him...

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