Only the beginning.

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Jocelyn's POV

It was as if someone else was in control of my body as I stalked towards Christina's smirking figure. "You bitch" I growled at her and punched her right in the nose. She gasped and clutched her nose glaring at me. "What the fuck!" She screams towards me and I just smile sweetly and make my way back towards Corbyns side. "You're gonna regret this bitch" she yells and stumbles out of the kitchen before turning around. "Oh and Corbyn, the clocks ticking hun" she says sickly.

As soon as she leaves the house I feel tears form in my eyes. "Corbyn-" I choke out. He pulls me into a hug and I can feel him gushing me and coaxing me to calm down. "Baby shh, calm down shh it's okay" he mumbles and soon I pull away from him and look up at his beautiful eyes. "Corbyn you know what we have to do" I whisper painfully.

"Jocelyn no" He beings to protest but I cut him off. "Corbyn the band can't break up" I say sternly. His eyes full with tears, "Baby we'll make something work, we can have a relationship in secret! Please not give up on us baby I can't lose you!" He cries desperately and I try not to crack under his teary gaze. "Corbyn we can't" I weakly protest.

"Why?! Don't do this to me! Please baby!" He's crying hysterically and all I can do is look at him not having the words to say. "The band is more important Corbyn" I tell him and he looks up eyes glazed in panic. "No it's not! You're more important to me than anything! You're carrying my baby for godsakes" he cries out, voice cracking with the intensity of his words.

"Corbyn I know we said we'd never let anything come between us but...I can't let you lose the band, even if this means we have to break up and believe me when I tell you this is breaking my hurts so fucking much but I can't let the band suffer because of me, I know how much you love those boys and I love them just as much, I've seen how you light up when you preform with them on stage...I can't take that away from you, I wanna be selfish and say that I want you to give up the band and be with me but i...I just can't, this isn't me saying goodbye, just think of it as me saying see you later" I whisper the end and burst into tears immediately afterwards.

I rush out of the kitchen and I can hear Corbyn running after me calling me in a frenzied panic. "Baby!" "Jocelyn no!" I rush into our room and lock the door and I can hear him banging through the wood. "Corbyn you have to know it's better this way" I weakly whisper and I can hear him sobbing through the door. "This isn't better! I need you baby, I'm not ready to lose you..." he sobs and my heart aches even more.

"Go Corbyn" I urge him to leave before it becomes too hard. "No! I'm not going anywhere,we can fix this!" He cries out and I put a hand up to my mouth to muffle my sobs. "Corbyn. Go" I tell him and I can hear my uncle talking to him in hushed whispers as he pulls him away from the door. As soon as I hear their footsteps leave the hallway I burst into tears again.

I put my palm against my stomach where my baby is soon to be. "I'll love you with everything in me, I vow to be the best mother you can be, you're always going to come first little one" I promise my unborn child as tears stream down my face. As I start to fell sleepy from all the crying I start singing a lullaby my mom used to sing to me. "lavenders  blue dilly dilly, lavenders green" I choke on tears but carry on.

"When I am king dilly, you shall be queen" I sob. "Who told you s-so dilly dilly w-who told you so?" "''Twas my own heart d-dilly dilly that t-told me s-so" I end off and I just cry myself to sleep. I miss you mum I think. I wish you were here to help me. I soon hear the door of my bedroom unlock and soon my aunt, Brandon  and my uncle walk in.

They lie on either side of me with Brandon snuggled up to me. Without a word my aunt starts singing. "Call up your men dilly dilly, set them to work" she whispers and a teary smile lights up my face "some to the ploughing dilly dilly some to the fork" she sings and I find myself drifting off to sleep. I hope this gets easier...


Hey guys! I know it's been a long time and I'm so so sorry, I've been traveling these last two weeks and I didn't have access to my account so I couldn't write!!

Also I'm sorry to say this is the end of the book...

But don't worry!! There will be a sequel!!

I do also have another book I want to publish and I hope you guys are excited to see some original content, this book is not a fanfic, it is an original story and I hope you guys like it!! I've been working in it for a while now and I'm just really excited.

Thank you all for reading this book and for voting and commenting it means the world to me !!

Lots of love,


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