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I was so rudely awoken the next morning by the sound of pots and pans being clashed together. Damn whoever is making that horrid is going home with one less lime today. I open my eyes and find a blond blue eyed boy above me holding pans. I glare at him "who the hell do you think you are to disturb my sleep" I tell him slowly. His eyes widen and he bolts towards the kitchen. I run after him and once I reach the sink I grab the hose attached to it and start spraying a running Corbyn. "AAAHHH" He shrieks possibly waking up our whole neighborhood.

All the boys, Logan and Brandon come into the kitchen rubbing the eyes and once they take in the sight of a soaking wet Corbyn they fall to the ground clutching their stomachs laughing and I'm not far from joining them. Corbyn has a mischievous look in his eyes and he slowly starts to approach me, I don't realize what he's doing only when he's too close. His arms wrap around me and I'm now soaking. How fun. I yelp at the coldness and continue to squirm in his hands and when he finally lets me go i hit his arm and he pouts at me "why do you abuse me so" he wails dramatically. "You are such a baby" I tell him

We hear a throat clearing and we see the boys and Logan standing their with smirks on their faces while Brandon is completely oblivious to what is happening around him as he continues watching Spongebob, we turn to look at them confused and Logan whispers to them but making sure that we hear him " Do you think they know how much of a couple they look like now?" He whispers and the boys smirk at us. We both blush and turn away from each other. They boys start laughing at us and we both just clear our throats and we go to make breakfast. I recently found out that The Whole house was stocked with food that would last us the whole month and none was passed the expiry date.

I went to go check the money that Uncle Bash had given us and it was sufficient for us to live on for like two months but after that we wouldn't have much so I had come to a conclusion that I had to get a job. I sigh exasperatedly and Jonah looks at me oddly while sipping his coffee."Hey J what's up" he asks worriedly. "Um nothing really I just have to get a job or I won't be able to live hear." I tell him. He looks at me sadly and then he looks excited and runs up to the boys and they talk amongst themselves in hushed whispers. They turn to look at me and carry on with their whispers. Jack turns to me slowly and walks up to me "Do you still know how to dance?" He asks me. I look at him confused as to why he was asking this but still nod, even though I haven't danced in a few years I still knew some moves.

He nods back at the boys and their faces light up. They soon start doing these weird gestures to me and Jack turns back a small grin playing on his face. "Would you, Jocelyn Brooke do the honor of being our dance instructor?" He asks me. I look at the boys and Logan shocked that they would ask me this. "Hell yes!" I scream, soon being brought into a hug by all of them. "Yes yes yes" we all start chanting and ate soon joined by Brandon. I smile at all of them I knew coming to La would be the right choice. I find Zach looking at me oddly. "Why do you look like your gonna strangle one of us?" He question and I laugh along with the rest of the guys. "Don't worry I'm not gonna strangle anyone, but I was just thinking of how lucky I am to have met you all" I tell them

"Awww" the guys coo. "Well if you must know, it was me that introduced you to all these idiots." Corbyn boasts. I roll my eyes at him while the guys whine at him "of course thank you Corbyn for introducing to my true friends, not including you of course" I tell him. He acts offended. "I've been wounded" he cries. "Damn if I knew that he was this high maintenance I would've keft him at the pound"I whisper to the boys. Corbyn looks at me obviously having heard what I said. "What have I ever done to you" He wails. I laugh along with everyone. Corbyn pouts and goes to sit with Brandon.

"I'm gonna sit with Brandon, see he's so much more fun than you guys" he sticks his tongue out at all of us. "Watch him come crawling back to us" Logan says laughing while we all nod. We all sit and talk about my newly found job and sooner or later Corbyn comes and sits with us. We all laugh at his horrified expression " Don't. Ever. Mess. With. That. Kids. Spongebob." He tells them all and then shivers. I try and hold back a laugh but fail completely. I soon realize I'm late for an appointment with my doctor. I ask and look at the clock and see that I've got 15 minutes to get ready.

I take my pills and look at all the boys minus Logan since he left to go to his apartment. "Will one of you take me to my appointment?" I ask them hopefully since I hadn't had time to go and buy a car. Corbyn nods "sure I'll take you what time do you need to be there?" He asks. I look at him with a 'I'm sorry' expression. "In 15 minutes" I say smiling apologetically.he looks at me shocked and then we both rush to get ready and we don't realize the boys exchanging small smirks. Corbyn takes the boys home to get ready to come pick me up while I rush upstairs to get ready. This day is off to a great start!...not

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