New friends and New beginnings

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"So, do you live in LA?" Corbyn questions me. I nod my head "yes, I'm actually moving their today with my little brother" I say gesturing to Brandon, I decide to leave out the 'I have Leukemia and I'm probably going to die soon' part because we all know that's no way to start a friendship. "Oh, that's cool what's your brothers name?" He asks. "I'm Brandon and I'm this many!" He says butting in and holding up 7 of his fingers. Corbyn chuckles slightly at his cuteness. "That's great bud, you might be one of the greatest 7 year olds out there" he tells him excitedly. Brandon smiles at him and gets up in his seat to lean over to whisper in my ear "I like him Jossy" he tells me. I laugh slightly and nod, agreeing with him.

"Hey Corbyn, what are you doing in LA?" I ask him. He looks at me nervously. "I-I'm kind of in a b-band" He says. I look at him questioningly. "And what's this band of yours called?" I ask. "Why don't We." He says. I smile at him comfortingly "Hey don't worry I'm not some crazed fan or anything." I chuckle softly. He laughs along with me. "I'm glad, I was kind of relived you didn't know who is was when I came and sat next to you." He says.

The plane ride to LA is filled with laughter and corny jokes. I know I only met this kid a few hours ago but it seems like I've known him forever. I know cheesy. I can already tell by these few hours alone that this bean of a human is going to become one of my best friends. Actually one of my only friends. It's seems like minutes but in reality it's been hours when the plane finally decides to land. "Hey my band mates/ friends are gonna be at the airport to pick me up and since your just moving here today would you like me to drop you off?" He questions. "Uh, thank you Corbyn that's sweet of you" I say smiling. His cheeks tint pink slightly.

We walk out of the plane and straight to the baggage claim area and as soon as we walk through the sliding doors, Corbyn excitedly waves to a group of teenage boys and one that looks slightly older. We walk up to them and I soon get to see them clearly, there are 5 boys in total. One of them has some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen (except for Corbyns though) and another has a resemblance to Jacob Sartorius and slightly pink cheeks. I have a look at the others and one has hair resembling noodles and another is freakishly tall with brown hair. The guy that looks slightly older has blond hair and blue eyes but his hair kind of looks like a mop.

I zone back in to find them all looking at me and Brandon questioningly. Corbyn must of realized because he soon turns back around and introduces me. "Hey guys this is Jocelyn and her little brother Brandon." I smile at them and wave . Corbyn gestures to them and they all soon start introducing themselves "Hey I'm Daniel!" The blue eyed brunette tells me. "I'm Jonah" the tree looking figure says. "I'm Zach" the pink tinted boy says "and I'm Jack" noodle head says. I nod and smile at all of them. " Yo I'm Logan!" The mop headed figure says enthusiastically. I laugh and smile at him.

As soon as they've introduced themselves they bring me into a bone crushing hug nearly squeezing the life out of me. "Guys,guys chill" Corbyn says laughing slightly. "Sorry" they all mutter. I laugh at them "it's okay" i tell them. The look at me and smile. "Well what are we waiting for! Let's get going" Logan says. We all nod and walk to the exit of the airport and soon climb into a car and Corbyn turns to look at me. "Hey J what's the address to your house?" He asks me. "Oh um it's (Enter random address lol)" he nods and types it into the GPS.

We soon arrive at the house or should I say fucking Mansion its huge?! How the hell did my parents afford this! We live in a house barely even half the size of this. I check my phone to double check this is the right address and it is! No. Fucking. Way. The boys all look shocked beyond repair and they turn to me with a look of disbelief. "J how the hell do you afford this?!" Daniel questions. "It's not my house it was My parents" I say. They all look at me questioningly. "Was?" Zach questions. "Uhm they passed away 8 moths ago" I state sadly.

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