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Jocelyn's POV

As Jonah parks the car we all make our way through the lobby to Corbyn and my room. It had been a early morning but it seems that none of us were tired. "What do you guys wanna do today?" I ask all the boys. "We should go back to that book café" Jonah says and I hum in agreement. "That sounds good, when is your guys next show?" I ask. "Tomorrow evening" Daniel says. I nod.

"Do you wanna head to the café now or do you want to go to the movies?" Corbyn asks slinging his arm around my shoulder. "Movies" Jack and Zach scream in unison. Jonah, Corbyn and I all wanted to go to the café and check out the books but Zach, Jack and Daniel wanted to head to the movies so we decided to split up and head to our different destinations agreeing to meet back at the hotel at 10pm.

As we make our way to the café, Jonah and I talk about our favorite authors while Corbyn holds my hand listening intently at what I'm saying. I knew he would rather be at the movies with Jack, Zach and Daniel but decided to come with because he didn't want to leave me. "Me before you was a good book" I tell Jonah as we all into the cozy street café. He nods his head in agreement while Corbyn looks confused.

"Me before you?" He questions hesitantly knowing how I get over my favorite books. I gasp in mock horror and Jonah chuckles as he gets up to order his coffee. Corbyns eyes widen as he realizes his mistake. "How do you now know me before you!" I whisper yell at him to not draw too much attention to him. I get up determined to find the book I had fallen in love with on my first read.

Corbyn follows me around d the store as I walk around searching for the book. As I find it I squeal in delight causing a few heads to turn to which I smile apologetically. I grab the book making my way back to the couch where Jonah sits with his coffee and Harry Potter book in hand. Corbyn sits down and I curl up next to him as I open the book to its first page.

We spend the rest of our time at the café reading 'Me before You' and I end up letting a few tears fall near the bed of the book. I look up once I'm finished to see tears swimming in Corbyns eyes. "I have to rethink my life decisions" he says seriously and I find myself laughing. "No but seriously, that book is fucked up" he says and I can't control my laughter. Jonah watches our actions, amusement swimming in his eyes.

Once were all done reading and just chatting I check the time to find out it's 10:45. Shit. The boys are gonna kill us. We quickly make our way out the door rushing back the hotel hoping we don't get shouted at by Daniel. As we walk into the boys conjoined hotel rooms we see a fuming Daniel and the amused faces of Jack and Zach. "Where the hell where you fools?" Daniel yells. I look at him shocked and amused.

I can't control the giggle that leaves my lips. "You think this is funny! I was sitting her in this hotel room wondering if some axe murderer had come and killed you" He screams and I fall into uncontrollable laughter along with Corbyn while Jonah, Zach and Jack all watch with amused smiles. "You look like an angry baby" I wheeze out through my laughter. The whole room then falls into complete laughter except for Daniel who pouts at me.

"Im Sorry" I tell him smiling when everyone has calmed down. He nods in acknowledgment and brings me into a hug. "Please just phone me, I was worried sick" he tells me and Zach and Jack snort in unison. "He was about to pace a hole into the floor" Zach says. "He looked like a worried mother" Jack adds and I smile. "Why are you all such bullies" Daniel whines and I laugh slightly. "We're not bullies Dani, you're just too easy to make fun of" Jonah remarks and we all once again fall into fits of laughter.

When we all calm down once again, Corbyn pulls me against him as I yawn. "Do you wanna go lay down?" He asks kissing my temple. I nod and we say goodnight to the boys making our way to our room. We lay down cuddling and I turn to Corbyn kissing his cheek. "Do you ever think what would've happened if I didn't meet you?" I ask him. He looks down at me, his eyes shining with love.

"I most probably would've been one of the saddest men to ever live because you Jocelyn Brooke are my most valued source of happiness" he says smiling and I look up at him in adoration. I kiss his lips deeply to which he responds back immediately. Our kisses soon become more heated and our clothes soon become discarded. The room is soon filled with our breathy moans and constant reminders of 'I love you'.

I would never regret what had happened in that room. I had never done anything sexual of the sort with someone before but doing something so intimate with Corbyn made it feel all the more special. If there was anyone I would love to lose my virginity to I was glad it was Corbyn.


Hey guys! Sorry I've been going through some stuff at the moment but I hope you enjoy the chapter!

I'm really sorry if you guys were looking for smut but I really don't know how to write that stuff so if you do just message me.

But thank you for reading and please vote and comment I would love to hear what you guys have to say about my book! It is my first and my writing really isn't great but I would love to hear from you guys.

Thank you for reading loves!

Love you guys,



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