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Jocelyn's POV

Shock is there initial reaction which I knew it would be since they all thought I was dying, to be honest so did I but I had not expected was for my Aunt to burst out crying, everyone seemed to freeze and all you could hear was the sobbing sounds coming from my aunt, soon my uncles eyes welled up with tears and so did my own.

"Why'd you have to make me cry ugh! Pregnancy hormones are going to get the better of me" I cried and walked into the welcoming arms of my Aunt and Uncle,there was nothing better than being in their arms after such a long time of being parted, well Corbyn's arms were always more welcoming to me...

Soon the tears subsided and my aunt and uncle turn to me expectantly, I shake my head. "I'm not relapsing" I reply smiling at them. They all breathe a sigh of relief and I turn to look at Brandon who is looking up  at us with his innocent eyes, but I knew better. I picked him up and he pointed to my tummy.

"So there's a baby in there?" He asks me smiling and I nod excitedly and place his palm down on my belly. "This is your soon to be niece/nephew" I reply to him. He smiles giggling about how he was going to be the 'bestest' uncle in the world. I was happy that he was excited and as I turned back to look at Corbyn I was surprised to find his eyes glassy.

I rush over to him and place my hands on the sides of his face. "Why are crying?" I whisper to him softly. He shakes his head laughing and sniffing at the same time. "Oh my gosh, just seeing you with Brandon it made me think of our baby, and out future together" he tells me and soon I'm the one with glossy eyes. We both chuckle as I try to wipe my eyes before I end up crying for what must be the 100th time today.

My uncle clears his throat loudly gaining both of our attentions and we turn to look at him. "Now, Corbyn would you like to explain to me how you got my niece pregnant?" He questions sternly but I knew he was overjoyed at the news of being a 'grand-uncle' as he called it. Corbyn gulps and I squeeze his forearm whispering in his ear "he's just playing babe"

He sighs in relief and I feel him relax. My uncle chuckles "you should've seen your face! That was hilarious. I'm happy for the both of you but so help me god if your heart my niece I will hurt you in more ways that you can imagine, also! You better take care of my grandchild or I will bring hell down on you" he warns seriously and even I gulp and shiver when he says that.

My uncle could be a very scary and intimidating man when he wanted to be, I knew he was a soft teddy bear on the inside but when I had heard him on numerous phone calls, I had figured out that her could make even the strongest men pee their pants, literally. Of course he had never actually had problems controlling his anger because my aunt was always there to calm him down and such.

I felt Corbyn nod and soon we were all in the living room discussing about the new baby. "Have you thought of any names?" My aunt asks me and I laugh. "We just found out a couple hours ago, at least give me a few weeks, I want my baby to have the most perfect name on the planet" I told her and I felt Corbyn lean down towards my ear. "You're going to be the best mom in the world" he tells me.

I smile caressing my flat stomach, "and your going to be the best dad in the world" I tell him and watch as his face lights up as he remembers he was going to be a father. "Sebastian just look at them! They're so cute and they haven't even gotten married yet! They haven't even had the damn baby yet!" My aunt cries out and I roll my eyes at her dramatic movements.

"Aunty, I would like if you cou,d not curse in front of young ears" I gesture to my stomach and Brandon. She nods looking embarrassed and we all chuckle. "I can already see you're babies first word being the f word" My uncle states and I glare at him. "I will personally hire a hit man if I have to, if that happens" I threaten them playfully and they raise their hands in Surrender still chuckling.

I wonder what it will be like when I finally do have my baby, I knew some things were going to change and that we are going to make some adjustments but I hoped that this familiar bond I had with not only my family, but with Corbyns and the boys stayed forever and we'd be able to get through all of this together because lord knows I won't be able to do it alone.

Soon the doorbell rings and as I start to get up Corbyn pulls me gently back down "I'll get it" He kissies me on the cheek and I chat to my aunt and Uncle, I await for Corbyn auto come back but soon I get Suspicious and walk towards the door to see him frozen in shock and find a girl outside the door with black shoulder length hair who I'm pretty sure is Christina and my point is proven when Corbyn finally speaks.

"Christina?" He asks in bewilderment

"Hi baby"


Oh my god I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, but I've dealing with so much that I haven't had time to write and to be honest I had a bit of writers block!

So here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it!!
Please vote and comment because it would mean so much to me!

I love  you guys to the ends of the earth 🌍


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