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Corbyn's POV

I had no clue how to react, my ex girlfriend that had cheated on me stood on the front porch of my girlfriends house acting like nothing had happened between us at all. I probably looked like a gaping fish due to the fact that I kept opening and closing my mouth, trying to formulate a proper sentence.

Christina smiled at me and soon squealed wrapping her arms around my neck. I stood in shock for a moment before I came to my senses and pushed her away. "Why are you here Christina?" I asked her sternly and I soon felt Jocelyn stand next to me. "Who's this? You're new play thing?" She asked glaring daggers at Jocelyn and I couldn't help but snap at her. "Answer the damn question" I told her.

"Fine, I came here to talk to you, the boys told me that I could find you here" she tells me and I hear Jocelyn scoff. "Why in heavens name would he want to talk to you" She sneers and I can't help but feel proud that she was confident enough to say that. Christina rolls her eyes. "It's serious" she tells me and I roll my eyes not believing her. "Just listen to what I have to say and I'll leave" she says and I begrudgingly agree.

Jocelyn, Christina and I make our way to the kitchen and as we do we meet the curious gazes of Jocelyn's family. "I'll tell you later" she mouths to them and they nod going back to watching Tv and supervising Brandon. "I need to talk to you alone". Christina emphasizes 'alone' and looks towards Jocelyn. I can see her having an internal battle with herself but I kiss her cheek assuring her I'll be back.

She nods and walks out the kitchen. "What do you want Christina?" I glare at her. "My channel hasn't been doing well, and ever since the rumors of me cheating on you broke out, I've been getting so much hate. My manager had a talk with your manager and they came to an agreement that we should start dating again, for publicity so that i could get back on track with my channel and you and the boys will have another outlet for promo" she tells me and I'm about to explode

"One, those cheating remarks aren't rumors at all and you know that, two, I'm utter,y in love with Jocelyn so why the hell would you even think I would consider coming back to you and three, you knew our relationship was toxic so why go back?" I counter and she smirks. "The thing is, Corbyn.." she trails off seductively, but I feel like puking my guts out. "My manger is close friends with the owner of Atlantic records, and if you don't agree to this, well the band is just going to have to break up" she exclaims.

I glare at her and push her away from me but she doesn't seem to get the hint because she moves closer to me, as if she wants to look seductive but she looks so awkward it makes me repulsed. She digs her nails into my arms and looks at me fluttering her eyelashes but she looks like she has something stuck in her eyes. I try to release myself from her grip but her nails are still painfully embedded in my upper arm.

"You knew we'd end up being together Corbyn, it was just a matter of who caved in first" she mumbles and forces her lips onto mine. I struggle to get myself out of her grip but fail. I move my head in time and look to the entrance of the kitchen which is where I soon see a shattered glass lying on the floor and a angry Jocelyn watching our scene. "What the actual fuck?" She barks.

Christina smirks and moves away swiping her thumb on her bottom lip. "Guess you were just a play toy" she taunts her and I soon run up to Jocelyn and grab her arms. "Baby, you have to believe me! She forced herself onto me and I tried to get away but her hands were digging into my arms" I'm now crying desperate for her to believe me, she now carries my child and I cannot afford to lose her.

She nods as if she just made up her mind as she looks towards Christina...


Woo! Another chapter!

So I'm on vacation now so I'll probably be updating a lot more, also sorry for leaving you all for such a long time gosh 😅

But I truly love all of you that read and vote and comment on my book so thank you!!


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