Not what it seems

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Jocelyn's POV

As Corbyn and I make our way to sit down next to Brandon I can't seem to focus on the Tv or the conversations being forced around me, instead I'm aware of each breath that I intake and relapse and I can hear my heart thumping wildly in my chest. I zone out and let my thoughts wonder. What if I'm actually relapsing? I can't carry on with chemo, the pain killed me the last time.

Will Corbyn still want me after this?

Will the boys still want to be friend s with me?

I sigh and swipe my thumbs under my eyes to wipe away any wetness. Corbyn turns t me with a worried expression and I take notice of the redness and puffiness of his eyes. I smile back at him weakly reassuring him that I was just thinking, he nods and goes back to his conversation with Brandon.

My phone starts to buzz in my pocket and I take it out to see the contact of the hospital flashing on the screen. My breathing becomes labored and I suddenly feel light headed...I'm not ready. I gulp and touch Corbyn's shoulder. I nod my head towards the staircase and he nods seemingly confused but nonetheless follows me

We make our way towards the stairs with the number still flashing across my screen. This must be important if they haven't hung up yet. I answer the call and put it on speaker for both of us to hear. We're a good distance away from my family so they wouldn't be able to hear. "Hello? Ms Brooke." I hear my doctors voice ring through the speaker, "this is she" I answer swallowing the lump in my throat

"I have some good and bad news" he tells me and I hear Corbyn release an anxious breath. "The good news first" we say simultaneously. I hear shuffling through the phone and soon his voice announces through the speaker, "I'm happy to annouce that you're pregnant Ms Brooke!" He exclaims and my heart stops. It cant be. Tears well up in my eyes and I look at Corbyn and see he's frozen in shock.

"Are you serious." Corbyn questions a moment later and I hear the doctor chuckle through the phone. "Yes I'm quite serious" he states and I smile cheerfully at Corbyn who grabs me and squeezes me right kissing me on the lips then kissing my tummy. I gulp slightly when Corbyns finished and we look at the phone. "The bad news?" I ask fearfully. I hear him sigh, "I'm sorry to tell you Ms Brooke but because of you're leukemia, there's a 45% chance that baby might not make it past the 3 month mark" he tells me sorrowfully and begins to elaborate. "Due to your body being under such harsh circumstances for such a long period of time it seems the chances of a miscarriage are dangerously high" he tells me.

I sigh and mumble a quick thank you and end the call. I turn to Corbyn and instead of seeing a look of sorrow and pain I'm blesses with a heartwarming smile and his booming laughter. He grabs me by my waist and spins me around, careful not to squeeze too tight. "We're having a baby" he says shocked and I nod while my eyes fill with tears. "We're having a baby" I mumble and kiss him.

I wasn't stupid, I knew we weren't ready for a baby but I knew that I was going to spend my life with Corbyn and I truly did love him. We would make this work, I truly believed we could. I would love and care for this baby until the very end. Corbyn and I spend a few minutes hugging and getting over our initial shock. The doctor had explained the reason I was throwing up blood was because my body and immune system was getting used to the changes of carrying another human.

Corbyn and I walk back to the Tv room and can bare,y contain our excitement, my aunt and uncle look up and they book look exhausted, I can tell the news took a lot out of them. Brandon looks up at both of us and a look of confusion passes over his face because of our huge grins, I link my hands together with Corbyns and her look at me with adoration gleaming through his eyes.

We turn to face my family and I exclaim "I'm pregnant!"

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