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It's been about four days since the surgery and I couldn't be feeling any better. Corbyn has treated me as an absolute princess. He brings me breakfast in bed every morning and it's the best feeling to know that they're is always going to be that one person that will follow you til the ends of the earth. Ever since we had said our 'I love you' to each other we've seen to grown immensely closer and it's been a huge improvement.

Today is Brandon's birthday and we told Jack and Daniel to keep him occupied today while we set up his party. We had insisted his friends from school and the boys agreed to sing at the party. We just had to set up the decorations since We catered fo the party. The guys and I had to go back on tour after Brandon part since we had to get beard to rehearsals and fly out for the Europe tour. Once we've set everything up and Daniel texts me saying that they're pulling up I send everyone to hide and I switch the light off. The door creaks open and I hear Brandons confused voice as well as Daniel and Jacks

Soon the lights flicker on and I along with the rest of the guests jump up and scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" We all hell and Brandon looks shocked out of his body. "Jossy? Is this my party?" He asks smiling and I nod as he jumps up in my spar s kissing me all over my face as people around us coo. "Yes hun" I tell him and his smile widens. He squeals and runs over to his friends to play in the back yard. I look around at the party and I'm glad that I moved here I think as Corbyn comes up and kisses my cheek

-time skip-

After we had sent everyone home and had cleaned up the house everyone was so tired we all just ended up on the couches in the living room. I was snuggled up to Corbyn reading while he was on his phone doing some work, Daniel and Jack were playing cards across from us and Zach was attempting to do some online school. Logan and I had just finished putting Brandon to sleep since he seemed pretty tired from the part. I thought we did a pretty good job because all the kids seemed to be having fun. Logan was now just editing his vlog.

Once I was finished with the last chapter of my book. I looked up at the clock that hung on the wall. The time read 8:03 pm I should probably get supper ready. "Hey boys what do you want to eat?" I as looking at them all. "Could you make something I don't really feel like take out today" Corbyn pouts as I kiss his cheeks. "Sure! Everyone okay with that?" I ask for reassurance and they all nod their heads so I get up to go to the kitchen.

-time skip-

Once I've finished the food I call the boys to come eat while I go wake up Brandon from his nap. "Hey bud, dinners ready" I tell him in his ear and he slowly gets up from bed before sprinting downstairs to get to the food. I had made pasta with Chicken and roasted veggies. The boys all dig in and they each let out groans of satisfaction. "Babe did I ever tell you how much I love your cooking" Corbyn tells me and I blush looking down.

"Jocelyn this food is amazing, I might just kidnap you and take you back to my house just to make me food" Logan chuckles. "Logie, you don't have to kidnap me, I'd come willingly I mean have you seen your view" I laugh along with the rest of the table. Throughout supper we have small talk and we constantly crack jokes. Once were all done I clean up the table and go to wash the dishes but a pair of hands grab my wrists before I can

"Hey you just made us an amazing supper why don't we do the shoes while you have some rest" Daniel says. "No, no it's okay you guys go chill I'll be fine doing the dishes." I tell him nonchalant. He narrows his eyes at me. "Don't make me get Corbyn to spank your ass" he tells me and I burst out laughing. He grabs one of the towels on the rack near the sink and attempts to shoo me out the kitchen. I giggle and sit down in the lounge. Soon I'm joined by Brandon who jumps on top of me.

I groan in mock pain. "Why are you so heavy you little devil" I chastise him and he giggles. "I hope you had a good birthday bud." I tell him smiling hopefully that my party wasn't bad. "I loved it Jossy" he tells me excitedly and starts to babble on about school and which teachers were mean to him. Apparently there's this really pretty girl called Maisie that he made friends with and she invited him to her house on Friday. I wouldn't be here since I'm back on tour with the boys but I would check with Logan if he would be able to take him.

While we were in tour I did apply for a Dance company in LA and I hadn't heard back from them yesterday but they said that I would receive an email from them containing the information. I had already told Corbyn about this and he thought it was a great idea. Uncle Bash said that he would pay my tuition since the money I was making from the boys was going towards the house and Brandon's schooling. The tuition wasn't much but was out of my budget. Though the house we were living in now was already paid for and was compelled done we still had to pay for groceries, water and electricity.

I really did hope I got in because I never did have much to do when I was in LA because classes with the boys were only every Tuesday and Thursday from 08:00 til 10:00 and when I dropped Brandon off there was never anything to do so this would give me something to do and improve my health.

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