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I was woken up this morning by sunlight streaming from unfamiliar curtains. I sleepily rubbed my eyes and I looked to my side to see Corbyn sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled at him softly. Why does he have to be so cute. I try to get up without disturbing the sleeping angel next to the but I was unsuccessful as he had his arm wrapped around my waist, as I moved to get up his grip tightened so I decided to just lay down with him. After a few minutes of me checking my social media and my texts, I turn to look at Corbyn.

He looks adorable, I run my fingers across his pink lips to his jaw then to his hair. As I run my fingers through his hair his eyes flutter open. "Morning Bub" I tell him softly since he had just woken up. "Morning" he mumbles back and grins tiredly. I smile and peck his lips and move to get up to get ready but it seems he has other plans when he pulls me back. I squeal and laugh as he pulls me to his warm chest. "No don't go" He tells me pouting. Oh. My. Gosh. He may be one of the cutest being in this earth. "Fine we can cuddle for a little while, but I have to get up soon" I tell him sternly, he puts but still cuddles me

After he finally let me leave his bed so I could get ready for the day I get ready in Corbyns clothes because I didn't bring any other clothes. He had given me a hoddie of his and shorts but since the shorts were too big and the Josie already came to my mid-thigh I just wore the hoodie. Once I'm done I walk out of the bathroom to see Corbyn already ready which is shocking since the boys have told me he likes his sleep. He looks at me and smiles, grabbing my waist and pulling me to him we share a sweet kiss. "You look absolutely beautiful in my clothes babe" He tells me and I blush from the new nickname "Thank you Bub" I tell him

We walk down to see Jonah having his coffee and reading Harry Potter and the cursed child while Daniel, Jack and Zach were all watching tv with Brandon. Zach seemed to be enjoying spongebob a little too much. He was grinning like a small child. I walk up  Jonah and take a sip of his coffee. He looks at me shocked. "How dare you take a sip of my coffee you cursed rat" He tells me offended. I chuckle softly and smile at him innocently and soon enough he laughs along.

Once Brandon and I have eaten and talked with the boys Corbyn insists that he be the move that drops us oof at our house and we oblige and I still can't stop the grin that spreads on my face. Once Corbyn reaches out ur house I peck his cheek since there is a child in the car with us and that I really had to go get my own car. He tells us bye and drives off as we walk inside. "Hey bud, why don't we call an Uber and we can go choose a car?" I ask as I know he has a big fascination for cars at 7 years old. He nods excited so I call up an Uber and we pull up to an Audi dealership. I had always wanted and Audi because those were one of my parents first cars.

We walked around for a,little bit and I decided to get and Audi R8 in black since it made it seem formal. I was excited to get the car but Brandon seemed to be bouncing if the walls since we walked into the place. "Hey bud do you wanna go get some food?" I question apsince it seems to already by 1 and we had only eaten breaksfast at they boys' house. "Yes" he yells gaining us some sttention but I pick him up and quietly hush him, smiling apologetically at the customers. Soon we get our car and we drive to the nearest McDonald's since that's basically all Brandon ever wants to eat.

Once were seated with our food we eat and I just spend time with my little brother because it seems as if I haven't been paying enough attention to him. It must be hard on him I think to myself, he's never gonna be able to experience the love of mom and dad again and he's not gonna be able to have moms homemade pancakes or have dad teach him how to throw a baseball. But it's gonna be okay because I'm gonna be there for him in any way. I'll love him unconditionally and be the best sister anyone could ever ask for.

Brandon looks up at me confusedly. "Jossy? Why you crying? Pretty girls shouldn't cry" he tells me. I laugh and hug him, and I soon feel his little arms hug me back. I smile at him as he wipes my tears. A women that seems to be in her mid forties walks up t9 us. She smiles politely " Hi I'm sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice your son, he seems like such a sweet boy" she tells me and I soon start smiling and giggle. "I'm sorry but this little muchkin isn't  my son, he's actually my brother" I smile at her. Her face flushes red with embarrassment. "Oh I um, I'm sorry" she says apologetically. I smile at her. "Don't worry it's okay" I tell her

Once we've finished eating we drive back home to see the boys car in the driveway. I look at it confused and we walk up the drive way to the door where all the boys are standing there with their mouths hung open. "Why does your car look like a frickin Audi R8" Zach yells and I smile at him. "Because it is" I say holding up my keys and they all whine about not having an Audi. "Why do you always have the best stuff" Daniel whines. "Shut it Seavey, you know if you guys ever want to use my car just ask me" I tell them all and they smile like ecstatic children.

"So why are you guys here?" I question as we all sit in my lounge. They look at me and smile hopefully. "We're gonna preform something different live on Tuesday and we wanted to know if you could teach us some moves?" Jack questions and I smile widely "yes yes yes!" I cheer and they all sigh in relief

PERFECTLY IMPERFECT (Corbyn Besson)Where stories live. Discover now