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It's been about two weeks since Corbyn and I became a couple and it's been great. I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to have a boyfriend like Corbyn. He was now a constant in my life and one that I knew wouldn't leave me. I felt so safe when he was with me and I felt on top of the world when he kissed me. Good lord I've turned into one of those whiny bitches on TV. Anyways Corbyn took me on many dates after our first one and each was more special than the last. We had to a ice skating, to a drive in theatre and back to the coffee shop. Basically we were 'that' couple.

I had been back to the hospital for checkups and weekly appointment and Dr Maistry told me that she could schedule a surgery for me to remove my tumors but it was at a very high risk, she told me that if one thing in the surgery went wrong my body could react badly to the operation and my Leukemia could kill me. I was shocked to find this out so I phone my aunt and uncle and they agreed with whatever decision I made and since the operation would cost a lot and my parent had already saved up money for us, they wouldn't need to pay the hospital fees

I'm now on my way to see the boys with Brandon and hopefully tell them about the surgery. Speaking of Brandon he just started school last week again and he seems to love it. He just made some friends and he seems to be having a lot of fun. I'm actually very excited for his birthday so I can invite all his friends to our house and he could have so much fun. Once we reached the boys house we saw Logan's car parked outside and Brandon couldn't contain his excitement. He ran up the steps and knocked on the door wildly and soon Logan opened up and saw Brandon.

I didn't think someone's face could possibly light up that much but it did. "Little Brooke! How's it going Ma Dude!" He yelled excitedly. I was so happy to see the bond that had formed between Logan and Brandon, at least now I know if I'm not around Brandon would have someone with him. Soon the boys came behind Logan to see what the commotion was about and once I saw Corbyn I couldn't stop the shit eating grin that spread in my face. I still couldn't believe he was all mine.

His eyes light up like a Christmas tree and he pushed pass the boys to get to me. "Baby!" He yelled excitedly and picked me up kissing me passionately. "Hey Bub" I said chuckling while he spun me around. "Dude you literally saw her yesterday" Jack hollers. "Noodles don't be jealous that you don't have a girl" I tell him and he sticks his tongue out at me. "Don't start something you can't finish Avery" I tell him slowly and he apologizes quickly and runs inside. "What have you done to my friends?" Corbyn question laughing

I shrug and tell them all to go inside. "Hey guys I kind of have something to tell you..." I start off nervously. They all nod and we make our way to the lounge. "So um, my doctor said that there is a way that I can remove my tumors" I say and everyone is ecstatic. "But she did tell me that there is a high risk of me dying if I do close to go into surgery" I tell them and soon they all looked sad. I had already told Brandon on the way here so he sat in the corner of the room playing with his toys that he brought. "Baby, I don't want you to die but I will support you through this is you want to go through with this surgery" Corbyn tells me and all the boys nod behind him

My eyes tear up at the fact that these boys have barely known me for a month and they already seem to care for me. "I really do love you guys you know that." I tell them and they each hug me individually. "We love you too" they say. I look up to see Corbyn nearly in tears and I hug him tightly. "Hey Bub, you know if things do end up going south I'm not gonna go down without a fight you hear me." I tell him. He just hugs me tighter and his tears soak my top sleeve. He looks up and he has tears streaming down his face. "I don't think I'm ready to lose you yet J" He tells me sniffing and I smile.

"I'm here, and I don't plan on leaving soon" I promise him and he kisses me. Once we pull apart I stare into his eyes and then turn to look at all the boys who seem to be smiling at us. "Why are you smiling like that?" I question suspiciously. "You guys may be the cutest thing since Brandon" Jonah replies and I blush slightly not use to being complimented. "Damn straight we are" Corbyn fist pumps the air. I pull his hand down. "Corbyn honey your awesome but no" I tell him smiling and he pouts at me. "Since we've got all this mushy stuff out of the way, are we gonna sit around all day or what" Logan yells

Soon we all find ourselves at an Arcade. I'm playing agains Daniel in a dance game and I'm kicking his ass. "Told you, you shouldn't have gone up against an undefeated champ" I boast as we end and Daniel whines about losing like the big baby he is. "Hey princess lets make a bet, if I can beat you in the dance game you've gotta do something for me and if you win I'll do something for you" Corbyn smirks and I laugh slightly at his foolishness. "Okay Bean come up here so I can show you who's boss" I tell him cockily and he rolls his eyes

We get up on the podium and he chooses the hardest level, Game on...

PERFECTLY IMPERFECT (Corbyn Besson)Where stories live. Discover now