Break up {part 1}

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The next few weeks were a bit of an issue for Corbyn and I, He seems to be more attached to his phone and he's always on it whether it be talking to someone on it or texting someone. I kept trying to ask him who he was texting but he either tells me 'not to worry' or it's 'nobody important'. I feel like he's keeping something from me.

Today when I asked him he blew up at me.


Corbyn was siting in our hotel room and I was talking to him but he was busy focusing on his phone. "And so the gorilla ate the slice of pizza" i tell him sarcastically but he doesn't even look up. "Corbyn?" I ask. "Babe?" He doesn't reply. "Baby?" I ask again in hopes for an answer. "What!" He snaps and I'm shocked. He's never snapped at me before.

"Um were you listening to me?" I question him and he rolls his eyes. What's up with him. "Not everything about you Jocelyn" he tells me irritated. What?. "When have I ever made anything about me Corbyn?" I ask him slightly hurt that he would say something like that about me. "All the time, it's like after you had your surgery it's all about you. Jocelyn this, Jocelyn that" he says in a high-pitched voice.

"Corbyn I'm sorry if that's how you feel but I never meant to portray myself like that, with that being said I have never once asked you for anything other than your love and respect so don't you dare say I'm some high maintenance girlfriend because I've been through a hell of a lot more than you can think of" I tell him sternly

"Oh my gosh would you stop being to irritating, ugh you're acting like such a bitch" he tells me and my eyes widen at his words. He find me irritating?. He thinks I'm a bitch?. "I'm so done" I tell him. He scoffs as he sees me walk away. "Sure run away from your problems just like you ran away from your parents death" he yells and I can tell he immediately regrets what he said. I walk up to him and slap him across his face.

"Well count yourself single Besson." I tell him walking out the door...

Back to present...

I'm now just aimlessly walking through the city. Corbyn tried calling me after I left the hotel but I didn't pick up any of his calls. How dare he say that to me. He knows how hard it's been for me since they died. He knows why I had to move to LA. He knows all of this but still that fucked up sentence came out of his mouth.

I decided that I couldn't stay on this tour if Corbyn was gonna be around me all the time. I don't regret breaking up with him because nobody had the right to disrespect me the way he did, nobody. I get back to the hotel and start to pack my things before Corbyn and the guys get back from their interview. I knew if I stayed until they came back that they would find a way for me to stay and I could t have that.

Once I'm done packing I write one note to all the boys and one for Corbyn and leave them on the table. I grab my keys and head for the door. Once I reach the hotel lobby I hail a cab and the driver helps me put my bags in the trunk. Once I'm settled in the back seat he turns to look at me. "Where to?" He asks. "The airport" I answer calmly.

Corbyn's POV

I knew that I hurt Jocelyn and I regret what I said so much. The boys and I were in a interview now and I all I could think about was her and the shocked face she had when I told her about here parents death. I couldn't get out of this interview but I knew that when I got back to the hotel I was going to beg her to forgive me even if it meant get down on my knees.

Once the interview ended I made all the boys rush back to the hotel so I could see my sweet angel. I knew I fucked up but I had every intention to make it right again. Once we reach the room I run in to find it empty of Jocelyn's clothes. Oh no. I run around the room frantically trying to find any trace that she's still here and she didn't do what I think she did. I knew I hurt her but I didn't think she would leave me.

She did break up with me but I thought she would come back to the hotel so we could fix things. My eyes tear up and I catch notice of two pieces of paper on the table. The boys walk into the room looking happy and smiling but when they see me their smiles disappear. "Corbyn bro what happened?" Jack asks. "Jocelyn she-" I choke up and cover my mouth to hold back a sob. I've never felt this kind of pain before.

I hurt her. I hurt her bad enough for her to leave me. What the hell was my problem. I should've just listened to her in the beginning. I rush to the piece of paper with my name on it with my angels handwriting. It reads.

Dear Corbyn,

I know you didn't mean what you said but it didn't hurt any less. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye but I knew you would find a way to stop me. You were my sunshine and my biggest supporter and I loved you for that and I will always love you. I thank you for everything that you've done for me but I guess we weren't meant to be. I'm gonna miss you but I want you to carry on playing those shows to the best of your ability and I want you to find a girl that'll love you more than I could. Find someo-

I couldn't read it anymore without sobbing. I didn't want anyone else. I wanted my angel. I knew what I said was wrong and I hurt her but I didn't mean for her to think of herself like she was anything less than perfect. Oh god what fucked up thing did I do. I fall to the ground covering my mouth sobbing over the loss of my sweet sweet angel.

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