Morning After

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Jocelyn's POV

I'm woken up by light kisses being laid on my shoulder. My eyes flutter open on their own accord and I awaken to see the smiling face of Corbyn. "Hey" I smile tiredly at him pecking his lips. He smiles at me but I can see the nervousness swimming behind his eyes. "Morning baby" he says. "D-Do you regret last night?" He asks stuttering slightly and I look at him confused. "Of course not baby, I will never regret my decision" I tell him sincerely and he smiles but I can see the relief in his eyes.

He nods kissing me again. I sit up slightly but since from the pain. Corbyn smirks slightly having seen my wince. "I really did a number on you huh babe" he teases cockily and I roll my eyes at him. "could've been better" I say shrugging, teasing him slightly. He growls playfully and grabs me by my waist pulling me under his body. I squeal at the rush of cool air. Corbyn leans towards my ear, his hit breath fanning against my skin.

"Maybe I should remind you who made you scream last night babygirl" he growls sucking on my collarbone. I moan and he smirks loving the effect he has on me. "Who do you belong to baby" he whispers sucking my neck. "You" I reply breathlessly. He growls bringing his face back to mine and kissing me passionately. Once things start to get heated I'm reminded that we have things to do today so I pull away from the kiss making Corbyn whine and pout. I get up to make my way to the bathroom but Corbyn hold my wrist.

"Baby don't go" he whines and I giggle. "Corbs get up we have things to do" I say pecking his cheek and effectively getting out of his grasp. I make my way to the bathroom and get ready for the day, showering and brushing my teeth. I emerge from the bathroom in just a towel and I see Corbyns eyes darken at the sight of me. "Cold shower, I need a damn cold shower" he mutters to himself basically running to the bathroom. I giggle and blush.

I get my clothes and get dressed:

I chose a simple outfit and I do my make up

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I chose a simple outfit and I do my make up. As I'm putting on my mascara I feel it being snatched out of my hand and I gasp. I look in the mirror to see Corbyns smirking face looking back at me. I frown and reach to grab it only for him to hold it higher. I pout and his eyes soften slightly, he pecks my lips and I use this as a distraction to get my mascara. One the tube is safely in my reach I close it and leave it on the hotel vanity desk.

"You know you don't need that stuff, you're beautiful just like this" He tells me caressing the side of my face. I smile. "I know but I wanted to look nice" I admit and he pecks my lips again making me smile. "You look perfect right now" He tells me again and I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I'm suddenly aware that he's only wearing jeans that hand low on his hips. I blush and pull away turning back to my make up to hide my red cheeks.

He only chuckles bringing his lips back to mine. "You don't have to look away babe, this is all yours" he says gesturing to his body and my blush reddens. I shoo him away so that he can put a Hirt on while I finish my make up. Once I'm almost done Corbyn walks back into the room looking like a full course meal. "Daniel sent me a message saying the boys and him are waiting downstairs for us so we can get breakfast" he says and I check the time. 9:45. Not bad.

We make our way downstairs to see all the boys siting at a table holding menus. We make our way towards them both sitting down in the last two available seats. We say good morning to the boys and they look up smiling at us saying good morning back. I grab a menu for Corbyn and I to share knowing that he would want to share my breakfast. We look over it together whilst the boys chat amongst themselves. We're soon interrupted by a fake cough from Jack.

I look up to see all the boys smirking at us and I look at the questioningly. Jonah points to my neck and I look down to see one of the many hickeys Corbyn had given me last night/ this morning. I blush embarrassed and pull my hoodie up further. I hide my red cheeks in Corbyns neck and I hear the boys chuckle. "Seems like someone got laid last night" Zach teases and my cheeks get redder. "Shut up" I mutter looking at the drinks.

Soon a waiter around my age comes up to take our orders. He seems nervous which I find adorable. We all place our orders and he makes his way back the way he came. We all make small talk about things concerning their tour. They are playing here tonight then we leave tomorrow. The tour soon ends in about 1 month and I couldn't be more excited to get back to LA.

when we finish our breakfast we make our way to the venue for sound practice. The boys run to get their mikes checked and I sit backstage and watch them. Soon their time is up and they need to get ready for limelight. I help them all get ready and do Zach and Corbyns hair whilst I'm at it. When they're all done I sit backstage and watch them preform.

They all had big smiles on their face mirroring mine. Once the boys finish their last song and make their way down the stage i run up to all of them and hug them. I kiss Corbyn and we all make our way back to the hotel to pack so we can be ready to leave bright and early tomorrow.


Hey guys! New chapter woohoo!

I don't know if some of you guys have heard but I've decided to take down my Daniel Seavey book because I've been unhappy with how it's been turning out and the plot line doesn't seem to make much sense to me at the moment soo...

But I really do hope you guys have enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment it would mean the world to me. I love you all I really do and thank you for reading

Love you ,



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