Dance class

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I wake up the next morning bright and early, ready to teach the boys how to dance. I jump into the shower and finish doing my daily routine. Since it's 7 in the morning I let Brandon sleep in a little, once I'm done making my breakfast as well as Brandon's I walk upstairs to wake him up. "Morning Jossy" he mumbles tiredly. "Morning bud" I tell him. He slowly gets up to get ready and I go downstairs to make sure everything is in check.

I see Brandon slowly walking down the stairs sleepily. "Hey Jossy what are we doing today?" He asks and I look at him smiling. "Hey bud, I'm sorry I woke you up so early but I'm gonna go teach the boys to dance and you can come along but I'm gonna enroll you into school soon" he smiles widely seemingly woken up completely and nods his head excitedly. "You excited to start school bud?" I ask him chuckling. "Yes" He tells me and I look at him oddly "you're probably the only kid to ever say that" I tell him and he stills smiles and he doesn't seem to be bothered

Once Brandon and I finish our breakfast we drive to the studio where the boys wanted to meet us and we walk in to see the boys fooling around and I put m6 finger to my lips to tell Brandon to be quiet and he giggles softly. I run into the studio and scream "Boo!", the boys all jump at least 10 feet into the air and I laugh uncontrollably along with Brandon. They all pout at us and I laugh harder. "Man, I could've pissed my pants" Jonah whines and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. When we finally calm down I see all of them glaring at me. "I'm sorry" I pout knowing that Corbyn would fall for it

And he does. "It's okay hun" het tells me. I smile at him innocently. "Bro, you are so whipped" Jack laughs. "I'm not even sorry" Corbyn tells him pecking my lips and I smile at him. "Ewww" Brandon complain and we chuckle at blushes spread across our cheeks. "Okay! Let's start with some stretches" I tell them all. They all nod and I start stretching in front of the mirror with all the boys behind me. While I'm stretching doing the downward dog I see all they boys checking out my ass and I smirk at them all and they look away blushing except Corbyn who winks at me, I blush and focus.

Once were done stretching I look at them all. "Okay so how about I show you guys a simple routine and you can lick and spchoose what you want to do from it" I tell them and they nod. I start playing 'Something Different' from the speakers and start doing the routine. While I'm doing it I see all the boys checking me out and I wink at them and I think I hear a slight growl come from Corbyn. The boys snap out of their trance and they focus on the routine. Once I'm finished I see all the boys look at me with their mouths hung open. "How the hell is that simple" they question simultaneously which might I add is kind of freaky

"I told you that you guys could choose what you wanted to do from the routine" I say and they all decided to do the small step part of the routine. I teach it to them all and I can say that they are indeed very fast learners. They have it down by the end of the lesson and I smile at them all proud of how fast they grasped the concept. "Well done guys!" I tell them, "you can go hit the showers if you like" I tell them. They all nod but only four of the five leave to shower along with Brandon in tow. I take a sip of my water and I see Corbyn walking up to me . I smile at him and I soon notice how his eyes seem to be darkened.

He stalks up to me slowly and back me up into the mirrors. "I didn't like the ways the boys were looking at you" he says huskily his nose running up the side of my neck. My pulse seems to quicken and my breathing becomes labored. I've never seen this side of Corbyn. "Your mine" he growls and I feel my knees weaken. I don't think I'll be able to hold myself up any longer. "You know that don't you, you belong to me and only me" He tells me sternly and I gasp as he leaves a featherlight kiss in the base of my neck. "I'm yours Corbyn" I say breathlessly. Good lord what is this boy doing to me.

"Damn right you are" he growls again and kisses me hard. Damn. I nearly lose balance from the roughness of the kiss but still keep steady as Corbyn places his hands on my waist. How did it come to this. As we're passionately kissing I don't hear the door opening again but I do hear the high pitched squeal of my seven year old brother. "Ewwww Jossy again" he whines. I smile before quickly pecking Corbyns lips and turning to see the boys and my brother standing by the door looking disgusted. Zach's face goes from disgusted to a small smirk "Again?" He asks and I blush. "Shut up Sartorious" I tell him. "No not you too" he whines and I laugh

Corbyn and I hit the showers and once were done we all head to my house for another movie night. "What do you guys wanna watch?" I ask. "Wreck it Ralph" Brandon screams and Zach nods enthusiastically, I laugh at them and shake my head. "How about Me before you?" I ask the boys and they all nod. I search it up on Netflix and once I find the movie we all snuggle together and watch it. By the end of the movie I'm swimming in a pool of my own tears with Tissues scattered around Corbyn and I. "Hey J, tomorrow I'm gonna take you on our date. Wear something comfortable." He tells me softly once the movies come to an end and I nod excitedly.

The boys decide to sleepover in the guest bedrooms and Corbyn sleeps in my room. We're cuddles up on my bed when he turns to look at me with a loving smile. "I'm so happy I met you Jocelyn Brooke" he tells me smiling and I can't help but giggle and smile wider. "I'm happier that I met you Corbyn Mathew Besson". I tell him and I kiss his lips. He lays me down on his chest and I fall asleep to his soft breathing.

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