Break up {part 3}

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Jocelyn's POV

I had just gotten off the airplane and I couldn't say that I felt like I  was home, because I wasn't. LA doesn't hold the same feeling in my heart as it did when I first left. Now it just seems like it's an escape from everything I left back in the UK. I miss Corbyn, a lot actually...I didn't think it was possible for you to love someone as much as I loved him but here I am standing in the airport wishing I was on the first flight back to Europe.

I blocked his number and social media's because I knew that would be the first places he tried to find me. I watched the boys interview the day I left because I knew that was one way I could keep seeing him. I knew I couldn't allow myself to go back to him but it was so hard to admit that to myself. I can't picture my life with anyone else other than Corbyn and that makes me scared. Gosh when did I become such a lovesick fool...

As I walk out of my terminal I see Logan, Ayla, Brendon and Brandon all waiting for me. I couldn't wish for a better nonbiological family, I can't believe thy all came to get me. I had only told Logan that I had been coming back early. He had asked why but I told him I would explain when I got back. As I walk up to them I can't help but feel my nerves kick in, what is they don't believe me? What if they think I'm making this all up? What if- I'm cut shirt by Logan yelling my name. "Jocelyn!" He yells gaining a few looks from bystanders

I smile and my nerves seemingly fade away. "Hi guys!" I try to say cheerfully, I mean I just had my heart broken in two how cheerful am I really going to get. "Hey" they all say excitedly and crush me into a big group hug. We all stand in the middle of the airport hugging for a little while until we realize we have to leave. Logan grabs my bags while Brendon is vlogging him and Ayla latches onto my arm while Brandon jumps on my back.

-time skip-

I decided to stay with Logan for a little while because I still needed to take all Brandon's stuff home and I needed to have someone to talk to. Ayla and Brendon took Brandon to get some food so that left Logan and I at his apartment. "So are you gonna tell me why you came back or am I gonna have to get it out of you the hard way?" Logan jokes but when he sees my tearful smile his fades away. "Okay now you're scaring me" He tells me and tears slip out of my eyes.

Logan looks worried but brings me into a brotherly hug kissing my forehead shushing me. "Hey Hey Hey, shhh it's going to be okay" he tells me rubbing my back and I can't help but cry harder. He leads me to his coach where he sits  down and I cling onto him. "I- Corbyn- He" I choke up not being able to say what he did, Logan understands and rubs my back to calm me down. "Corbyn h-he um he was on his phone t-too much on t-tour a-and I asked him a-about it and h-he blew up on m-me, I got mad because he was being irrational and I was gonna go take a walk and cool off b-but then he said 'Sure run away from your problems just like you ran away from your parents death' a-and I hit him and I broke up with him" I tell Logan sobbing

He looks down at me and I can see tears in his eyes. "God when I get my hand in that boy he's gonna wish he was never born? He says threateningly and my eyes widen. "No! Logan listen to me, I mean it when I say I don't regret what I did and I'm gonna hell eventually but I don't want you doing something your gonna regret later on, please don't let this ruin your friendship with those boys" I tell him pleadingly. I knew what Corbyn did was wrong but Logan doesn't need to fix my problems.

He reluctantly nods and I smile mumbling a thank you. "On another note! Today we're gonna sit right here and we're gonna watch the originals back to front with all the ice cream and pizza you need" he yells and I giggle. "Thank you" I tell him and he looks at me confused. "Thank you for being the best big brother anyone could ask for" I say and he smiles. "You never have to thank me J" he says.

True to his word Logan and I spend the rest of the afternoon binging the originals and eating pizza and ice cream and eventually when Brendon, Ayla and Brandon came back they all decided to join us so we made a big ass fort in the middle of the apartment and had all our food in from of the TV... to say that today was one of the best days ever would be an understatement.

I may finally be getting over Corbyn..

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