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Corbyn's POV

After our semi-emotional make up we made our way to the lounge where Logan and Ayla stood arguing in hushed whispers since Brandon was asleep. "Logan she needs to talk this out with him!" Ayla whisper yells. "Ayla you don't get it! He hurt her and she doesn't need anything" he whispers back. Once we make ourselves known they turn to us but each with different expressions on their faces. Logan just looks plain pissed off and Ayla looks hopeful.

I turn towards Logan already knowing what I was going to say. "Logan I'm really sorry for hurting J but I have a reason for why I blew up on her, my reason may not justify my actions but know that I will spend the rest of my life making this up to her" I start of saying and Logan looks skeptical but motions for me to carry on. After a deep breathe and Jocelyn squeezing my hand I begin to tell him all about Christina. How she cheated on me and broke my heart, how I left her and a few months after the break up I found Jocelyn and instantly fell in love, how Christina sent those texts.

After I'm done telling the story I look up to see Logan looking at me expressionless. "I may not be fully supportive of this relationship but know that I will do anything do make Jocelyn happy and if you make her happy then who am I to stand in the way of this relationship, but know that if you hurt her again I will find you and I will make you regret even thinking about her" he says threateningly.

I gulp and nod my head slowly. Jocelyn slowly lets go of my hand and she moves towards Logan hugging him tightly. She looks up at him since she's quite short. "Thank you Logie" she says and you can see his heart melt. "Anything for you J" He tells her kissing her forehead. I knew what I was getting myself into when I came to LA but that didn't stop me from trying to redeem myself in the eyes of the love of my life.

I can honestly say that I don't regret coming here.

-time skip-

After we had all talked it out we had decided to book Jocelyn and my flight back to Europe since she agreed to come back on tour with us. I'm glad she did because I'm sure the boys have been missing her loads. Once we've finished booking our flights and repacked Jocelyn's suitcase we make our way to the airport. As we walk through the airport I can feel the sadness flowing out of Jocelyn so I grab her hand and squeeze it, she looks at me and smiles

We make it to security and soon it's time to say goodbye. Jocelyn walks up first and I'm sure it's really hard for her since she hasn't seen Logan and Brandon in quite a while. "Goodbye Logie, please take care of yourself I love you lots" I hear her mumble through her bear hug with Logan. Logan comes up to me once he's done and bro hugs me which is his way of saying 'I forgive you'. Once were done with our goodbyes we make our way through security.

We get on the plane and get to our seats. I squeeze Jocelyn's hands as the plane takes off knowing she is sad. She smiles back at me reassuringly. "I know it's sad Bub, but you're gonna see them soon" I try cheering her up and it seems to work because she wipes her eyes and nods her head seemingly convincing herself.

-time skip-

As we land and we make our way off the plane hand in hand I send a message to the boys to come pick me up. I purposely left out the part that Jocelyn was with me so I could surprise them. Once we've gotten our luggage and made it through the gate we make our way towards the four figures standing near the exit in caps and sunglasses. I clear my throat to announce my presence and when they look up smiles instantly form on their faces as well as Jocelyn's.

"Jocelyn!" They yell together. She giggles as she's wrapped in a big hug. Once each of them let go Jonah turns to me as the rest of the boys make conversation with her. "I figure you guys are back together" Jonah questions with a small smirk. I nod breathing out a sigh of relief. "Man to be honest when I made it to Logan's apartment I was so scared. I didn't know what I was gonna do is she didn't take me back." I told him and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Looking at you both right now I can tell you that this relationship isn't going to end soon. I see it in your eyes man, they light up when your around her and you smile whenever she's with you." He tells me truthfully and I find myself a blushing mess. "Jonah what did you do to my man" Jocelyn jokes. Jonah laughs and I wrap my arm around her waist putting my head in the crook of her neck to hide my pink cheeks, "whipped" Daniel and Jack cough simultaneously.

I lift my head up to glare at them then shrug my shoulders agreeing with their statements. Jocelyn kisses my cheek as we make our way out of the airport to the van the guys drove here in. On our way to the house I can't help but look at Jocelyn. I knew she was sad leaving Logan and Brandon back in LA but I can tell she's already enjoying Europe and I can't wait to spend the rest of this tour with her.

I may have made a mistake once by letting her go but I intend to never make that same mistake twice. Having her walk out on our relationship was probably one of the hardest things I'd have to endure in my life and I don't plan on causing her any of this pain again. She looks at me oddly when she finds my gaze upon her. "What?" She questions bashfully and I smile grabbing her hand pecking her lips. "I love you" I tell her and she smiles kissing me again. "I love you too bean" she tells me.

I smile as she lays her head in my shoulder. I see Zach look at us in the review mirror and he smirks mouthing the word 'whipped' to me. I roll my eyes looking down at the girl I love and smile adoringly as I watch her expressions change as we drive through Europe.

I'm really sorry for not updating for a while but I'm back now and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot to me and have a great day/night

Love you lots,



PERFECTLY IMPERFECT (Corbyn Besson)Where stories live. Discover now