Meeting the family

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Corbyn's POV

To say that I was nervous was an understatement. I was practically sweating through my shirt. Jocelyn had told me her aunt and uncle would be visiting in a few days and I had been stressing since I'd found  out. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself in front of my girlfriends 'father'. I was really hoping that they liked me...because I don't know what I'm going to do if they don't.

"Bro you look pale, are you good?" Jonah questions and I nod swallowing thickly. "" I sigh defeatedly . "I'm stressed they don't like me man, I really need them to like me." I tell him and he nods understanding. "I know what you mean but at the end of the day, you've treated Jocelyn like a princess ever since you two started dating and I'm sure she's head over heels for you too, if it isn't obvious" he says rolling his eyes. I blow out a breath and nod trying to calm myself

"Maybe I'm stressing over nothing" I tell him and he mumbles a 'no shit' under us breathe. I make my way upstairs to my room and I play some fortnight waiting for Jocelyn to come back, she had been getting sick recently and had a doctors appointment today to see if she was okay. I was planning on going with her but she was adamant that it was probably a stomach bug.

Jocelyn's POV

I calm myself as I walk through the doctors office. I was so nervous and pale I probably looked like a deathly sick Edward Cullen. I sit down in one of the plush chairs in the reception area waiting for my name to be called. I told Corbyn that I probably had a stomach bug or something but what he didn't know was that I had been throwing up blood recently and easily bruising. I knew what the symptoms were but I refused to believe that this had come back.

I hear my name being called and I numbly walk towards the doctors office. "Good Morning Ms Brooke, I hear you seem to be thinking you've had a relapse." He says seriously and I nod. He asks me what I've been felling like lately and I tell him I haven't been that hungry and I've been losing weight. My bodies been aching but that could always be from dance. He nods constantly reminding me that this could just be a virus or infection but he'd have to take some blood work.

Once I'm done he tells me that the results should be back n a few days and he would give me call. I nod and ask my wya back to my car. I try not to think about the worse possible scenarios but they constantly run through my mind. I park outside the WDW house and wipe a few traitorous tears that escape my eyes. I wouldn't be telling Corbyn about this because I hoped that this would be a virus that would soon blow over.

-time skip-

I've been bouncing with excitement since Uncle Bash sent me a message saying he would be arriving today . I hadn't seen them in a while so I refused that they take transport to their hotel and that I would be picking them up. I had been parked outside for the past 10 minutes looking already to catch any glimpse of the man I had found a father in. I wave at my aunt as I see her struggling to maintain her balance whilst carrying all her luggage.

I quickly make my way to help them and we exchange quick hellos and long hugs. We make our way to my house where Corbyn and Brandon would be waiting for us. Corbyn said that he had wanted to meet my uncle and aunt as soon as possible so that he wouldn't chicken out at the last minute. I had laughed and agreed but now was starting to get really nervous. "Hey Uncle Bash?Aunt Anna?" I call out to them nervously.

"I forgot to mention that I may or may not be seeing someone" I say unsurely and my aunts face brightens at the mention of a new boy since I had never really given a second glance at the male population after my parents death. My uncle however looks like he could murder a puppy. I chuckle nervously, I pout at him when he glares at me and use my puppy eyes knowing that he'll eventually cave, to which he does.

He sighs defeatedly. "I didn't get to bring my gun" he pouts and I roll my eyes. "You're so dramatic, we're not killing her first boyfriend" my aunt says sternly and he crosses his arms grumbling about how 'he never gets to do anything fun'. I roll my eyes at their bickering and when we finally make it back I get out and unclock the door to see Corbyn and Brandon watching TV together but once Brandon catches sight of my aunt and uncle he immediately leaps up.

"Aunty Anna! Uncle Bash!" He screams running and hugging them both. They chuckle and hug him back and I turn my eyes to Corbyn watching him fidget nervously. "Hello Mr and Mrs Miller" He starts off and I see my aunt smile at my uncle. "I'm Corbyn Besson, and I'm your daughter boyfriend" he finishes and I see my aunts eyes and smile widen. I put my hand in Corbyns and I look towards my uncle.

"It would've been nice to hear of you before but it's nice to meet you Corbyn" my aunt says and my uncle still hasn't spoken. I look towards him with my puppy dog eyes and he sighs involuntarily he speaks. "Hello Corbyn" he smiles forcefully and I mouth 'thank you'. He rolls his eyes slightly. "Corbyn I just want to tell you, even though Jocelyn's parents may be...gone I'm still willing to fulfill the father role in her life so I'm going to say this once and only once. If you hurt my pumpkin I'm going to skin you alive and make sure you never have children again okay?" My uncle says and I nervously chuckle.

Corbyns eyes wide and he nods. "Y-Yes sir" he stammers and I laugh along with my aunt. Corbyn turns to me in disbelief "I'm sorry babe, but my uncle couldn't hurt a fly if he tried" my aunt chuckles and nods her head while my uncle pouts mumbling about how 'He was trying to threaten him and we just blew his cover'.

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